Recent content by mikenh77

  1. mikenh77

    How Long Have You Been in the Hobby?

    Saltwater fish 25 years. 19 years on reef tanks.
  2. mikenh77

    Drilling a 210

    They sell predrilled aqueon 210s
  3. mikenh77

    Hold my Acros

    Anyone in barrington area (preferred) or northwest suburbs area with a healthy acro tank willing to hold my some 90 or 100 sps frags on a organized frag rack maybe 12 inches by 16 inches? I just moved, everything is sitting in a 100 Rubbermaid tub. Been losing a frag a day due to instability and...
  4. mikenh77

    Moving Progress

    As some of you remember...I was having issues with my old landlord... anywho my wife and i just closed on a new house. Tore down the 125 with 55 sump and set up a 100 gallon stock tank in my new place... Long story short. Used 50% old water and 50% new. Didn't use the old sand. This waiting...
  5. mikenh77

    Goodbye tank or goodbye home...?

    I need your expert opinions! My lovely, understanding, and wonderful landlord paid me a visit today and "asked" me to downsize my 125 to a 20 gallon or smaller (haha yeah right...) because she believes it is causing the small patch of mold in the room it's in. I think it is causing the mold...
  6. mikenh77


    So, I went a little crazy with this season's live sales. At least I have more frags than aiptasia now. There are more frags on the sand and more coming in the mail... oops. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  7. mikenh77

    Captive Bred Aiptasia Eating Blue Tang

    I have a captive bred blue/hippo/regal tang that's about 3 or 4 years old. I was watching it clean the algae off my rocks and saw him eat a tiny aiptasia. It didn't spit out the aiptasia. I assumed it was just an accident... today I was feeding mysis and saw a small aiptasia floating around and...
  8. mikenh77

    Polyclad flatworm

    Tonight I saw what looked like a decaying snail. I tried to pull the shell out and the "dead snail" clung to the rock in what looked like a big gooey mess. Tried to take out the goo with tweezers, it slipped away, and saw a huge roughly 4 inch flatworm disappear into the rocks. I've IDed it as...
  9. mikenh77

    Broken chiller

    I bought a used 1/3 hp JBJ arctica chiller. Long story short, I've been getting shocked when I stick my arm in the tank. I unplugged everything and plugged them in one at a time and found out it's from the chiller. I'd like to save it if I can.... Anyone know how I fix it? Thanks in advance...
  10. mikenh77

    Say hi to my little friend

    My new bta. Camera doesn't catch all the colors
  11. mikenh77

    Cutting acrylic.

    Hello, I'm trying to cut acrylic for a DIY algae turf scrubber. I want to say it's about 3/16" thick. Does anyone have a table saw or something similar that would make straight precision cuts that I could use? Or you could cut it for me ;). For $10. Scoring blade is out of the question because...
  12. mikenh77

    DIY SPS food

    So I was feeling creative and dipped my toes today in DIY SPS food. My wife thought it would be interesting and cheaper to blend fresh uncooked blue crab meat with RO water in a consistency like oyster feast. After a teaspoon of this stuff and 20 minutes the polyp extension was crazy and i could...
  13. mikenh77

    New Toys

    Just got a delivery last night and...well it's official. My wife is going to kill me. If I don't ever post on Chicago Reefs you know what happened to me. lol
  14. mikenh77

    4 Hydra 52 HD

    I just jumped the gun and bought 4 x Hydra 52 HD fixtures for a 6 foot/125 gallon reef tank. Is is overkill? I'm starting to think I can get away with 3, only problem is that my tank has a center brace. What are your thoughts?
  15. mikenh77

    Protein Skimmer for 125G

    I'm planning on heavily stocking my 125G Reef. Any suggestions on a protein skimmer? I'm torn between the New Reef Octopus Classic 202s or the bubble magus curve 9.