Feeding a Maxima?


New member
Question guys, I just picked up a nice Maxima yesterday, it's about 1.75"-2", and came from MCF. They were all about this size, and actually I picked the largest one I could spot. I have a couple of questions.. ( I realize ideally they should be 2", but it is what it is!)

- I can see the mantle, and it has some nice dark blue coloration (why I picked this particular clam, had nice colors). I'm taking this as a good sign.

- The clam isn't opened up completely but I'm guessing sometimes things like this may take several days and is part of the acclimation period. Should I be worried? He is about 1\3rd of the way up the tank on a nice flat rock baking underneath 2 x 135W Mu Series LED fixtures.... The light is intense!

- I was worried about him falling over, and thought maybe I could move him higher up, and when I touched him, could real resistance, so he has attached himself, or is in the process. That's a good sign I take it? :)

- The clam is VERY reactive to shadows and movements to the light source. I read that is a good indication of health as well, thoughts?

- What should I feed this guy? Is he ready to filter feed yet, or still living on light at this stage? I read clams will like a smaller micron size for feeding, some like phyto-feast or oyster feast?

I tested my parameters this afternoon

pH - 8.1
Ammonia\ Nitrite \ Nitrate - 0
Calcium - 460
Alk - 179

Picture below...

Thanks everyone!


New member
I would like to imagine the tank is nutrient rich, got some nice pod seeded sand in my fuge from a local reefer... Should I bother getting anything to feed the clam or just let him pick out of the water column?


Active member
There is mixed opinions on clams. Some people will spot feed and some just won't. If you have a nutrient rich tank I would leave it for the time and see how it does. If you see it is not opening or acting as it should you might want to spot feed it.


New member
Thanks, I'll just keep an eye on it... The side closest to the rock it is sitting on is opened up more than the top side that isn't on anything, but it is open, responds to shadows, so hoping it pulls through. I love clams, so much fun so far.


New member
My understanding is small Clams rely on filter feeding intially and become more dependent on light as the grow. I would use some sort of phyto or zoo plankton to insure it has access to some food. try to get it to attach and when it does slowly move it closer to the top of tank.


New member
He's certainly attached, and the rock he is on, well isn't moving if my life depended on it.... He'll have to pick out of the water column and eat along with everyone else!


New member
I picked up a bottle of Phyto-Feast Live yesterday, and fed last night, and today, and finally today after feeding I noticed he opened up more, his intake siphon came out more, and pulsed a couple of times throughout his feeding.. Will turn the skimmer back on in an hour or two..


New member
I don't feed any of my clams. High output light is key. Claims can move around a little and can fall if the foot is not attached. Placing in a plastic dish with sand of some sort gives you more future abily to ajust. If it firmly bonds its foot to the rock you will most likely kill it if you try to remove it.


New member
I haven't touched him at all, so he isn't moving... He looked much happier today actually, opening up more, and fed him.. he even pumped a couple of times and saw the siphon... woohoo!!