new fish for my 210 reef


Active member
So I am looking to put more fish in my 210 reef and I'm looking to get some of same kind. Kinda like a school. Here is my livestock. A pair of clowns. Pair of chromis kole tang yellow corris wrasse red tail wrasse (tamrin wrasse) bi color angel vlamingii tang hippo tang and a royal gramma was thinking just a few more chromis or maybe royal gramma. But maybe a few anthias. Not sure help me please. I will be ordering online so if anyone has had success with success let me know
I have 5 blue green chromis that like to swim in a school, got them from I guess you could also get a group of anthias (atleast 3), I think they like to swim together also.
It depends on what kind of colors you want. If you want orange, pink, yellows then go with some orange anthias or bartlett anthias, you can do one male and a bunch of females. Blue or green go with the chromis.
Colors haven't thought about it. Had cardinals before and they always hide in my rock work. Seen some blue reef chromis last night and a pair of yellow head jaw fish for 40. Might go that route. But they hide too. Square anthias grow to 6 to 8 inches. Never seen this big has anyone else
Blue/green Chromis will school. Waitei Anthias are nice and actually prefer to be in schools of 5+ fish. Try to get only 1 male and the rest females.
I've had good success w/
i have decided to go with pink square anthias 5 i think i got one today and will feed it till it gets a bit larger and then buy 4 smaller ones let it morph in my tank should be fun to watch
Nice, the square back anthias are a cool species of fish. In addition to liveaquaria, is great. I have ordered from them before with no problems.
just being spontaaneous i stopped in at lfs and he just got 7 females in so in a month or so ill buy the others fiance likes them so anthias it is :gossip:
down to four from 6 two died in just a few days kinda expected it and looks to be one dominate female will post pics as soon as starts morph in addition since i lost two of these i also got rid of the other fish to new homes i picked up a beautiful thompson tang think it the hawaii one