Question - what's happening


Active member
Yesterday i did a 25% water change because my ammonia was high. I used RO water purchased from a lps. this morning my xenia was slow to open and tonight it looked like this in the pic. whats happening?View attachment 6856 could it be from the apstasia next to it
Jason, I just looked up your posts and here are my observations:
1) your tank isn't fully cycled yet unless you used BIO-spira
2) you should NOT have used fish to cycle; it's cruel
3) it looks like you didn't test your water before adding livestock
4) old water will help seed the tank but the bacteria we want is "rock based".
I dont know how high it was. the test water was really colored. i went off the advise of the lps. i just purchased a master test kit from API today on-line so i can test myself. the tank was running 3 months before i moved anything. the fish in there came with the original tank.
You should use a product called "Prime" or something similar that you can find at the pet store. it neutralizes ammonia/nitrite so you don't lose livestock. for some reason your tank is going through a cycle eventhough it's been set up for 3 months. did you just recently move the tank and possibly moved rocks and sand around? that can release toxins that can cause a cycle. corals don't do well with ammonia and nitrite.
I reread your earlier posts. I thought this was a new tank bc your build post was stated just about two weeks ago. If you used your old sand without rinsing some toxins could have been released. If you rinsed the sand well there probably wasn't enogh good bacteria left so you're getting a mini cycle. Glad you ordered a test kit. I would keep doing water changes until you can get the ammonia down. Or try Prime. Good luck. And I have plenty of Pom Pom and Pulsing Xenia for you if you want.
i did move the tank. i had a 20 gallon set up for a while and just upgraded to the larger tank. i used new sand for the new tank. i did just get about 50 lbs of new live rock so i moved it around to re-scape the rocks. I will go today and get the prime. when i switched over i used my old water as well as live water from my lps. my fish are doing very well and its just the one coral that seemed to be affected. thanks for the advise.
Water doesnt have bacteria in it. So using old water really wouldn't help. All the bacteria is in the lr and sand.