welding aluminum?


Well-known member
Does anyone have the equipment and know how the weld aluminum?

my wheelchair cross brace broke again and they wont replace it

for another six months and I dont have the $350 they want for

the part. Thanks
It's a super easy fix. Either get it to me or measure the diameter of it. I can make you a sleeve or weld it. Sleeve is easier to do.
I've heard of this material called alumalloy, it's basically like rods of hi-temp solder you can use to patch damaged aluminum with a torch. Perhaps that might work?
The funny thing is that this has happened to me 5 or 6 times, well on that side anyways

2 or 3 for the other side but hey will they look in to why? NO they just give me the run

around and tell me to be easier on my chair lol what a joke. Not like its the only way for

me to get around, oh wait it is.
I've heard of this material called alumalloy, it's basically like rods of hi-temp solder you can use to patch damaged aluminum with a torch. Perhaps that might work?

I'll try anything. Now would you know where I could get some of that stuff?
Alumaloy won't work. It won't support much weight. I'm sure if u brought it to a welder he'd probably do it for free or maybe like $50. If i worked in a welding shop and a guy brought his wheel chair in to me id for sure fix it free of charge
I can have a sleeve done in 15minutes. Want me to make you one? Pickup in 60155 before 5pm or in 60634 after 5pm
.010 wall thicknmess i won't even attempt to weld. .100 is easy. So a sleeve will work just as good.
Well I'm going to the wheelchair place in about 20 min. I'll let you know whats up when I get back.

Thanks Gus and I will measure again because .010 does seem a little thin.
I'm not seeing it. How do you get the sleeve to bond to the broken piece?

The strongest way to repair a broken tube is to put a rod on the inside and drill holes in the tube. weld the tube to the rod through the holes.

If it was steel, I'd do it for you. welding aluminum tube takes a tig welder or a really talented gas welder. I guess the rod and tube method could be done by a aluminum mig welder.
I'm not seeing it. How do you get the sleeve to bond to the broken piece?

The strongest way to repair a broken tube is to put a rod on the inside and drill holes in the tube. weld the tube to the rod through the holes.

If it was steel, I'd do it for you. welding aluminum tube takes a tig welder or a really talented gas welder. I guess the rod and tube method could be done by a aluminum mig welder.

If is was steel I would just go to my friends house and do it myself seeing that he picked up his welder from me a couple of

weeks ago. Every time it broke before I did put a tube on the inside and drill holes but put pins in stead of welding because

I dont think aluminum can be welded to steel at least I dont know how to do it. I used steel because I dont have nor know

where to get an aluminum rod. Anyway I did get a loaner so I am in no hurry to get it done but I do want it fixed, always

nice to have a back up chair.