Adding a GFO/Carbon Reactor


Hey all, so I have a 75g reef and was thinking of adding a two little fishes 150 reactor. I was wondering if I should run GFO and Carbon mixed (dont have the cash or room for 2 separate reactors) and how much of each media I should put in it. All my numbers are in line except I havent checked my phosphates. I dont have the test but I am going to bring some water into a LFS soon to get it tested since everyone says the only accurate test is a Hanna which I dont have. Any input?
My ATI is accurate as the user. If you measure properly it works right. Just make sure its not expired.

A 150 is plenty for carbon and GFO in the same reactor for a tank that size.

You might want to consider seachem phosguard instead if you want to mix the two though, it works a little better when mixed with carbon.
Thanks the for prompt reply. I should actually mix the two together right? Some things I have seen say to put an extra sponge in to separate the GFO/carbon but BRS is saying to mix the two up. Thanks again!!!
You can do a 50/50 mix...or probably better to do a 2/3 carbon to 1/3 gfo so that the gfo don't bind and the carbon don't get beat up by the gfo and break down into dust.
If you use phosguard, then it won't break down. It is actually more efficient than GFO too. Cheap on amazon too.
I disagree with Smitty & Yogo...

GFO needs to tumble by it's self.. Carbon will just make into dust IMO when tumbling..

But if you want to try it.. Make sure the carbon is separated with a sponge.. Like they show in the BRS videos..

I'm pretty sure if u ask, someone might have one for sale..

I use two TLF reactors with one MJ1200..

You can run both in one canister on a 75, the tricky part is loading the gfo first, leaving room for it to tumble, and adding the carbon above it somewhat compressed between 2 sponges so it does not tumble. This is much easier done in a BRS reactor than a TLF one.
But on the brs website, they have a video of them mixing the two together. And not separated by a sponge. There is more carbon than gfo, and there really isn't a tumble.
I wouldn't do it. The gfo needs the movement so it doesn't clog up and blind. The carbon needs to remain still so it doesn't release fines. If BRS is showing them being mixed it may not be a standard carbon that can hold up to the abrasion, but that is misleading to make people assume you can do that with all carbon.
Could you just load the carbon first then a sponge and then the GFO? That would stop the carbon from tumbling and allow the GFO to tumble on top.

You can run both in one canister on a 75, the tricky part is loading the gfo first, leaving room for it to tumble, and adding the carbon above it somewhat compressed between 2 sponges so it does not tumble. This is much easier done in a BRS reactor than a TLF one.
I have dibs on the 2 tlf reactors from sparky if he ends up parting out his setup. I think I am just going to run them separate and try to use the same pump. I was going to use a y-splitter so I can control the inflow on both of them independently instead of just doing charcoal then GFO daisy-chained together. Dont you run charcoal wide open and GFO with just enough flow for a little tumbling?
I have dibs on the 2 tlf reactors from sparky if he ends up parting out his setup. I think I am just going to run them separate and try to use the same pump. I was going to use a y-splitter so I can control the inflow on both of them independently instead of just doing charcoal then GFO daisy-chained together. Dont you run charcoal wide open and GFO with just enough flow for a little tumbling?

I control the GFO 1st with a nice smooth tumble and carbon will get a nice flow. Been doing it for years this way.. I rather have them chained as the picture I provided above..