Another Week Full of New Coral & Fish


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Hey Everyone!!

We have another full week of shipments! Tomorrow we have fish and coral. Some of the fish highlights are:

Brachiosaurus Blenny
....also have some more common coming in as well (starry, lawmover, etc)

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse
Red Head Wrasse
Mystery Wrasse
Flame Wrasse
China Pearl Wrasse
...also some more common wrasses (McCoskers, yellow coris, etc)

Kole Tang
Chevron Tangs
Dussumieri Tang
Achilles Tang

Sargassum Triggers
Blue Throat Trigger Pair

Splendid Dottyback
Dilectus Dottyback

Resplendent Anthias

Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish

Thursday were are expecting a very very large ultra coral shipment!
I saw picture of the Tropic Marin Salt Bag taken by Walt the other day, how much for a bag? Also please list price of all the Tangs? Thanks.
I saw picture of the Tropic Marin Salt Bag taken by Walt the other day, how much for a bag? Also please list price of all the Tangs? Thanks.

Mia i was told 300 gal bag if the salt was 100$ when i picked up my fish
Here are yore answers to your questions....

The lineatus wrasses are males about 3.5" for $198. There is one left.

The fuzzy lion fish is actually pretty small (2.5") even though it was shipped as a medium. He is $26.

The salt is $100.

Kameron, the is a variety of acan mini colonies and frags. Ultra, rainbow, and A grades available. As far as zoas, we have lots of colonies available for $46. We are not ones to chop up wild colonies and sell them with names and no true lineage.

Chevrons are $99 while we are still getting the promo price (these are probably the last ones). The koles are $42. Achilles are $156 but I believe they are all gone....we will order more for Friday. Dussuimer are smalls for $85ish.
....quick correction Brian had just told me the lineatus is a female. Sorry for the confusion, I answer questions via the packing list when I can't get a hold of anyone at the shop.
Hey there reef wise. Haven't been to your store, but only hear good things, however I have a question. Im into oddballs and was wondering if you were capable of finding a couple things for me? (just seeing if you are able to get them, and if you are ill let you know if id like to place an order)

First off, Mantis shrimp. Are you able to get anything BESIDES peacocks? Ill have my 40g sump ready in no time and want some of the other species to fill up the eggcrate compartments.

And if you can go on the man hunt for this specific species of mantis Id swear to buy all my corals from you for the rest of my life that is, if you can find me a MALE G. ternatensis. Heres a site that talks about them and where they are collected from: and for identification between male and female, is the pics of the mantis with the BLUE antennae scales on that link are male, the females have orange antennae scales. I have a female, and want to get a male. So if you ever come across one let me know!
Awesome I appreciate it! And if you do find something, Im sure i will bring some extra money for frags. Have any ricordias? If so, how much are you selling them for?
Correction from yesterday. All of the lineatus wrasses were males.... They are so hard to tell the difference sometimes.
I just wanted to take a moment to point out this interesting fish that we got in...The Brachiosaurus Blenny. This cool fish gets its name for having a similar skull as the brachiosaurus dinosaur. The brachiosaurus blenny comes from Australia and is a peaceful, mild mannered fish. Its small size makes them perfect for nano and large reef tanks alike.


Brachiosaurus Blenny (Omobranchus anolius)
We have some more fish arriving tomorrow! Super Male and Male Lineatus Wrasses! Naoko's Fairy Wrasse! Yellow Fin Pink-Tail Trigger! Chevron Tangs! Achilles Tangs! Hybrid Half Black Lemon Peel Angel! Lots of Ultra Fish!
Our supplier has a special request with their divers/collectors to get borbs for us. Hopefully we get lucky soon!
Here are a couple quick pics!

Awesome Male Ember Blenny

Lots of Wrasses!


Small and Medium Sargassum Triggers

Krocky, here are a few zoa pics...

