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Hey Everyone!!
We have another full week of shipments! Tomorrow we have fish and coral. Some of the fish highlights are:
Brachiosaurus Blenny
....also have some more common coming in as well (starry, lawmover, etc)
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse
Red Head Wrasse
Mystery Wrasse
Flame Wrasse
China Pearl Wrasse
...also some more common wrasses (McCoskers, yellow coris, etc)
Kole Tang
Chevron Tangs
Dussumieri Tang
Achilles Tang
Sargassum Triggers
Blue Throat Trigger Pair
Splendid Dottyback
Dilectus Dottyback
Resplendent Anthias
Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish
Thursday were are expecting a very very large ultra coral shipment!
We have another full week of shipments! Tomorrow we have fish and coral. Some of the fish highlights are:
Brachiosaurus Blenny
....also have some more common coming in as well (starry, lawmover, etc)
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse
Red Head Wrasse
Mystery Wrasse
Flame Wrasse
China Pearl Wrasse
...also some more common wrasses (McCoskers, yellow coris, etc)
Kole Tang
Chevron Tangs
Dussumieri Tang
Achilles Tang
Sargassum Triggers
Blue Throat Trigger Pair
Splendid Dottyback
Dilectus Dottyback
Resplendent Anthias
Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish
Thursday were are expecting a very very large ultra coral shipment!