Clowns Spawned!

its cuz i had 2 one jumped out and im left with one my plan was either get 2 new ones or get one and see if they got along hes about 1.5" so idk :-(
Doubt it but if there's still any pairs left after the 75 people who already called dibs get their fish then id love a pair!
Owen, they are doing well. I'll get some new pics soon. They are still on the small side, but are growing. Brad, I'll add you to the list. You're #18. Not too bad...Plus I'm sure a few people will get clowns before these guys are ready. :)Here is the current list for those of you who are curious...
11. mdefo25
12. mlreef
13. arioch
14. ashtree68
15. DJE2010
16. mlreef
17. mlreef
18. rattyE36
There are more than 36, but not all of them are picassos.

Any idea on how much you'll be asking per couple and how long until they will be ready? Just trying to gauge if i'm going to actually want a couple or if I'll just pick up a couple from MCF or if I'll maybe actually even spring for a "pair" from somewhere.
Thanks everyone! I'm doing everything I can to get them to grow faster, they are sitting at a toasty 82* and are fed numerous times throughout the day. I know most of you can't wait to take yours home!

Pricing will be $85 for A grades and $45 for B grades. I think that is reasonable considering picassos on other sites like for $100 for A's and some of the B's. Plus ORA's prices are even higher...

Just let me know when my number comes up, I believe it's 15 and I will take a pair of the Grade A.
Will do Eddie. :)

Thanks Freddie, I only raised the first clutch but plan on raising more. I removed their anemone because it was roaming and they stopped spawning, but now that I returned it hopefully they will resume.
I'll get some updated pictures in a day or two. :)

Now you're lying! jk

I might be in for Brads pair that he claimed... either I'll snag some B's from you or have you guys (MCF) order me some. Still undecided.