
Great interview. Bret got a little defensive but I'm sure he's just a little fired up after the wicked uproar that has come from all the enthusiasts on the Internet.
So I guess I might get flamed here.... but the thing that Brett says is true. This show is about entertainment....nothing more. I have seen a lot of goofy crap and a lot of stuff I do not agree with.... We all have.

Certainly I am concerned about are the people who see this show and dump fish in a new aquarium and then they go belly up in a couple of days. Or those who think they can just fill from tap and go! A lot of LFS employees are out there to do one thing....sell more fish, equipment and dry goods. I have worked with a lot who I would not let turn my T-5 lights on.... People cannot simply rely on them to educate.

I hope that the show gets more technical in season 2. One thing for sure... I know people who watch the show...and are now interested in the hobby. That is a good thing. The show is about entertainment...

As Hobbyists, we all need to step forward and help newbies out. We need to mentor and coach those newcomers to the hobby. We need boards like this one to educate and assist.

By the way, I have been keeping fish for most of my life. I have had saltwater fish since the early 80's. I still learn every day new things in this hobby....much of it from this board and others!
WeePee thinks Brett Raymer needs to stop talking in the third person. WeePee also thinks Brett Raymer contradicts himself a bit when he speaks about wanting to educate but that his show is for entertainment purposes. WeePee thinks Brett Raymer sounds like a douche bag.
WeePee thinks Brett Raymer needs to stop talking in the third person. WeePee also thinks Brett Raymer contradicts himself a bit when he speaks about wanting to educate but that his show is for entertainment purposes. WeePee thinks Brett Raymer sounds like a douche bag.

cant say i ever remember hearing him talk in the third person....maybe i wasnt looking for it? :confused:
WeePee thinks Brett Raymer needs to stop talking in the third person. WeePee also thinks Brett Raymer contradicts himself a bit when he speaks about wanting to educate but that his show is for entertainment purposes. WeePee thinks Brett Raymer sounds like a douche bag.


watch the show some guys, i love it, but what I don't love is some of the fish that they put in the smaller tanks, the tang police will come knocking. they do pump the saltwater from tanks, some longass tubes, so maybe it's cultured water or something, but they do drill on acclimating fish a lot.

btw, brett's an idiot imo.
the feng shui tank was sweet, finally they did a reef tank...although I would not have advised them to put that flame angel in there, or some of the corals (like gorgonians), but I'm sure based on the $$$ they spent, they'll have a service taking care of things.
you see that house it went in?! I highly doubt that dudes hands are getting wet, unless it is to clean up a leak.
did anyone see this weeks? lol the skateboard ramp tank was awful, yes, fish love tohave fast moving objects zooming by the tank randomly!

also, the solved the scratching issue by baking the acrylic longer and using "softer" indoor wheels, but what happens when a board hits the acrylic, or something like metal rivets used on jeans scrapes it? what a disaster.

I'm sure they had the dude skate on it for show and they dont intend it to be a working ramp that is used if at all.
Have you ever noticed that the engagement guy w/the circlular tank keeps showing up at all the other tank unveilings!?! Doesnt that guy have a new marketing company to run and a wedding to plan for?? Oh well..i like the show but wouldnt use them as an example for setting up tank.
Anyone else notice that for the mob tank they were looking for 'mob themed fish, and they forgot the CONVICT TANG which would have looked awsome and actually does well in schools.
Frustrated the hell out of me lol.
Have you ever noticed that the engagement guy w/the circlular tank keeps showing up at all the other tank unveilings!?! Doesnt that guy have a new marketing company to run and a wedding to plan for?? Oh well..i like the show but wouldnt use them as an example for setting up tank.

haha i didnt notice that