cyano algae outbreak?


New member
i think i have some cyano algae on my rocks its red with little bubbles to or is that bubble algae? it looks like its on my sandbed to but i looked at pics and it looks like it grows think like a carpet and to me it looks like diatoms. but can they come back even after theyve been there once already? should i do a water change?
It sounds like cyano.Try to siphon out as much as you can,also increase your flow.When is the last time you tested for PO4? Cyano shows usually( but not always)when your phosphates go up.Try to feed your fish less.
i tried siphoning but its stuck to rock and i feed once every 3 days because i only have one clown. i also put in an extra minijet 606 i have in the tank to increase flow but seems its getting worse
How old is your tank? It is normal for tank less than one year to go through different stages and get some cyano.Try to do a 20% water change.Do you use any GFO to reduce phosphates? Keep feeding your fish (I though you're feeding it like 2-3 times a day when I asked to reduce feeding)every day, but very small amount so it all gets eaten.Feeding every three days in my book it is like starving your fish.
my tank is about 4 months old. im going to do a 20% water change in morning. and i am going to increase feeding. the only thing i use in my tank is chemipure elite
i do use that look at my previous post hahahah should i change that like every 4-6 months?
Lol oh alright. Just with more flow and I would do a 25% WC ever 7 days till it's gone. Also leave through in there for more flow. Cut ur light time for a week to see if that helps slso
You can try doing a total blackout for a few days to starve the algae, and then after doing the blackout, do a nice size water change.
It is normal for tank this young to get some cyano.Just keep good husbandry,keep your water parameters good it will go away soon.Black out will only work temporarily if water parameters and flow are not adequate.As soon as you turn your light back on you will see cyano coming back.If you use chemipure you will get cyano out in 24 hrs.,but be prepared for large water changes, also your skimmer will go crazy for sometime and will overflow.
i did forget to mention its a 12 gallon jbj nano for those of you that dont know. im going to drop some new chemipure later and see how it goes. and im going to do a 2 gallon water change right now and a two gallon in 2 days and then a 2 gallon 2 days after that
you should also check your return pump if there's any clogged debri in there

i think that was the issue. the chemipure bag was getting sucked into the pump no wonder the pump didnt seem like it was working right. as soon as i moved the bag more flow was noticeable.
Tie the chemipure to the elbow of the return. That how I had it and all the water that flowed from chamber 2 to 3 passes by the chemipure since it will b hanging by the opening for the water.
update lol. so after i moved the chemipure more flow was apparent and the cyano started to disappear on my sandbed an almost totally gone in just about 24 hours its still on my rock also but not bright like it was there is also less on it.
Great to hear that you are winning with cyano.Just keep your flow high and water parameters in check and you will be ok.
it seemed like it was going away but its not
:-( its time to get some new chemipure so well see how it goes