cyano algae outbreak?

I also went through similar. It took me a while to get in under control but this is what I learned:

Staying on top of the water changes including vacuuming the cyano off the sand bed each time.

Replace your bulbs if they're old

Adding more flow (so nutrients cant settle on rocks and sand and are exported)

Adjusting the protein skimmer to run more 'wet'.

Adding more snails and a shrimp to the CUC to help eat any food my fish missed. Additionally, rinse the mysis in RODI water to remove the binders (algae fuel) and change feedings to every other day (or less).

Running Phosban or similar in the meantime to help keep phosphates in check so your husbandry habits will be more effective.

good luck
2.5 gallon water change every satruday. plan on doing 4 for this next month.

i do vacume it off and pick it off

it should be time to replace bulbs in about a month but im not going to wait.

i have a maxi 900 as return pump and mini 606 hidden behind rocks

im giong to add a peppermint shrimp will that help clean up? i also plan to add a turbo if i can find a small one. i also have 4 blue leg hermits, 1 astrea, 3 strombus(i think thats what theyre called), and 3 that i forgot the name but are not bad snails tho.

i just put a new bag of chemi-pure 5 minutes ago.

hopefully i can fight it off since i know it can be bad.

i do feed mysis once a week to some corals, and pellets to my fish and the crabs i noticed eat it off the floor