need input


New member
Im goin to order test kits or a Refractometer or just save for reefkeeper

Salifert test kits: Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and Phosphate. Any input on kits to order? Im new a reefer.



Going to start making own water soon within the next few weeks

Or just save the $60 and put it towards reefkeeper.
For Phosphate I would recommend the hanna checker meter. I could never get a phosphate test kit to read anything. Once I got the meter I could actually get fairly accurate readings.
Not sure that you need nitrite, if you test for ammonia and nitrate you will be good. I have high end kits but API CA and ALK are just a repeatable. API is much cheaper and they are what I use for my normal testing. For Mag, salifert is cheap and acurate. For phosphate, there are no cheap tests that will be acurate in the low ranges that matter. Once they show results you are already very high. I feel the same about ammonia but people will argue different.

A refractometer is a simple MUST have. Heck if you send me a PM, you pay for shipping and I'll send you my jbj refractometer.
That is the same one I posted above. Make sure yo buy calibration fluid for it as well.
I use the hanna checkers for phosphate and alkalinity. For Mag, calcium and nitrate I use the Red Sea Pro and find them to be very reliable. I don't test for ammonia or nitrite regularly, but for those, I just use the cheap old API tests.
My tank really turn around when I got away from the API testers they're cheap and dirty.
Refractometer is for checking the salinity of your water So you will definitely need one of those if you're making your own water!
I personally like the salifert testers for mag and ca. I use the Hannah checkers for alkalinity and phosphates. Red Sea nitrates.
Welcome to saltwater tanks!!
Good luck. I was just like you a year and a half ago!
Instead of Refractometer I use a Hydrometer checked with a Refractometer. For phosphate, I use Kalk so it is always 0 anyway. Nitrates Salifert. Alk currently API, but ordering a Hanna. If you're not keeping much SPS, you shouldn't need more than that. Save your money.
Jonny its not BRS recommended and reading the reviews people are not having a good experience with it at all. It evidently has wide fluctuations with their results which is not good.
How in the world does Kalk keep phosphates at zero I've never seen that. I am running Calc in my ATO which is awesome and my phosphates are around .1
Is the Hannah calcium checker not very accurate?

I had the calcium checker before and it was very hard to get an accurate reading as you had to use distiller water or something like that. There also is an issue with their testing solution that occurred recently. I would stay away for now til they fix the problem. I would stick with better brands-salifert or Red Sea. I personally like the Red Sea better
Thanks for the heads up was just bout to order the cal and alk checker but now I think I'll just get the alk and a better test kit for cal?
Im on a budget right now im heading out with my gf, prob gonna stop at a lfs i was thinking of just grabing the api reef master kit for like 30 bucks, the tank im using it on is kinda still cycling, mitch at booyahs tested the water with his kits and wouldnt sell me a fish but gave me two free clowns to see if they make it no2 was a little high tanks been up for since june 7
Im on a budget right now im heading out with my gf, prob gonna stop at a lfs i was thinking of just grabing the api reef master kit for like 30 bucks, the tank im using it on is kinda still cycling, mitch at booyahs tested the water with his kits and wouldnt sell me a fish but gave me two free clowns to see if they make it no2 was a little high tanks been up for since june 7

Probably better off doing, save you some money