Will my Duncan make it?


New member
I found it under some green stuff that looked like cheato. Not sure what it was. Removed what I could. Looks white but it does look like it has a chance to me.

View attachment 16908

I moved it onto my frag rack.

Hoping it opens up tomorrow.
Sounds good. It's about 5in off the sand bed all the way in the corner. Should be low light and low flow.

Is there anything else I can do to help it?
does the mouths have color if so feel it .. it will come back if the mouth dose not have color then its gone
Have you fed them recently? I keep mine in high flow/light, lol... They seem to do just fine there, so I wouldn't worry drastically about flow / light, just be sure they are eating.
i had a small 3 head Duncan go all the way to skeleton and it is now coming back strong. If there is one thing I have learned it's that dead corals aren't dead until they are green with algae.
If I am not mistaken you may want to wait to feed it again for at least 5 days or so. They're photosynthetic so the food is a good supplement but if they get too much it can rot in their gut. Most of these animals aren't really adapted to have as much access to food as we give them.

(someone back me up to make sure I'm not thinking of something else).
Some species use it as a means of reproduction :) (not the primary means, but a way of coming back after a catastrophe), like fungia plate coral! Cool creatures!
Looks like he is doing good to me. Tentacles are reaching out further.
