Mushrooms melting away


New member
These are some red mushrooms on a rock that I brought home from some one's tank a couple weeks ago. I noticed that several mushrooms are gone completely already, including the biggest healthiest looking one, and some of those remaining seem to be in the process of melting away. Everything else in my tank is vibrant and healthy. Nutrients undetectable. Calcium 460, Alk 8.5 They are in a shady spot similar to where they were thriving in another tank? Is there anything I can do? Should I remove the rock to prevent fouling?

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Have you checked your phosphates?

If shrooms are withering away, usually that's a sign that some parameter is way off.

Check your phosphates, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates. Also, any drastic temp swings since you got them?
No phosphates. Seems like they acclimated quickly and looked real good for at least a few days. Some of those remaining still look good...

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No temp swings either. The guy I got them from keeps his salinity .021. Mine is .025

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I've got no suggestions for you; sorry. Mushrooms are usually as "bulletproof" as Xenia. But, if they do all melt away I've got some for you (PIF).
shrooms are weird they tend to melt they show up ... also a side note to others reading .. if it looks like the heads are melting and falling off .. they are suposed too thats how they re produce .. it's like this

1 they attatch to a rock and grow

2 the neck melts

3 the head drops off

4 and the part thats left starts a new shroom and head blowing all over your tank will attach and make a new shroom

and the circle shall be unbroken ... i mean no comment :P
They were under similar lighting at a similar depth. The shooms seem to be disintegrating entirely, stalk and all... Lousy mushrooms. Thanks trackfast for the PIF offer, my last six or so may be gone by the end of the night.

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They were under similar lighting at a similar depth. The shooms seem to be disintegrating entirely, stalk and all... Lousy mushrooms. Thanks trackfast for the PIF offer, my last six or so may be gone by the end of the night.

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BTW, I work dt and I'm in your area from time to time. LMK. :)
So what kind of light ? Simular meaning?
LEDs can be tricky with then .
Like Victor said these things tend to be bullet proof under normal conditions.
Lighting can effects these in a huge way .

They were under similar lighting at a similar depth. The shooms seem to be disintegrating entirely, stalk and all... Lousy mushrooms. Thanks trackfast for the PIF offer, my last six or so may be gone by the end of the night.

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Thats odd compact fluorescent should work great for red shrooms however they don't let very long before they loose there strength .T 5s are great for shrooms and have a little more kick and last a little longer but as for Sps you pushing it like you said. I have high light and keep mine in indirect light with low flow for best results.
QUOTE=emilybear91;216492]Florescent. Barely enough to grow some spa..

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dam....sorry to hear about your shrooms. Not sure what the problem is in your tank but for me I have my shrooms in both my 20g and 90g tanks.

20g tank has a "Reef-Capable" Marineland LED + strong flow
90g tank has T5s + LED combo + medium flow