Need help with my 1st ever cyle please


New member
Hi this is my first ever cycle. I have a 30 gallon nuvo with 20lbs of live rock and about 25 lbs of sand. I have also been dosing with mb7 so here are my results after 5 days what else do I need t do now just keep waiting or do a water change.
Keep waiting until you are sure ammonia and nitrite are at zero then do a large water change.

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Thanks for the reply. Does it sound like my tank has started the cycle or do I need to add ammonia or anything?

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During the last 5 days did the ammonia go up at all? The gb7 adds the beneficial bacteria but do you have a source of ammonia? i.e. raw shrimp.

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I didn't add anything my lfs said with the live sand and live rock don't add anything but the mb7

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Ok yeah if you started with live rock you should be fine. Just add livestock slowly. Monitor your levels closely for the first few weeks.

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Ok so I ran another test this morning and everything is the same except now my nitrite are 1 should I do a water change

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Don't do water change til both your ammonia and nitrite reads 0. Then you do water change to reduce nitrate and your good to go.
Ok so I've been getting different input from a lot of different place and now I'm lost do I need to add anything to my tank to start the cycle I have 20lb of live rock and 20lb of live sand and been dosing with mb7 or just keep testing and waiting it out? Should I add fish or ammonia source

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You won't know for sure until you add an ammonia source and you register no ammonia. Given all the LR and LS you have you might not even go through a cycle.

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Ok so today I came home from work with this brown stuff all over my rock is this good algae and should I start to get a clean up crew one more thing my parameters are
Ammonia 0
Ph 8.0
Nitrite 1
Nitrate 20

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You should add ammonia to make sure you are cycled. Then test the tank and make sure nitrites and ammonia are at 0 before any water change. Again, you need an ammonia source. I used store bought ammonia to cycle all my tanks.
Is it possible the be a use of the cured live rock I won't see a cycle I've had a shrimp in there for 4 days and my ammonia might be 25 if not 0 nitrite at 1 and nitrate at 20
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Ok so today my reading
Ph 8.0
Ammonia. 25
Nitrite 1
Notrate 40
This is good right thus means I'm on the right track and just got to push to the finish

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Keep pushing watch ammonia drop and nitrites spike then level off then nitrates least how I understand it :)
Ok so now My ammonia is 0
Nitrite 2.0 maybe 3.0
But my nitrate has sky rocketed to somewhere above 40
Is this normal and should I now start doing anything should I keep dosing with mb7 as I have been or lower it or stop all together

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Completely normal. I used mb7 with good results. You can keep using it if you like. You're nearly there. As soon as ammonia and nitrites are zero you're good.
Ok so now My ammonia and nitrites are both zero and my nitrates have sky rocketed so now I should do a big water change like 50 percent?

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