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I just added a mature Majestic angel, a Naso Tang and a Manderian Goby today, could not resist the purchase....... Got em at tropic - quatics in Lombard. I am in their club so I got all 3 and a package of frozen agel food for like $220 not bad considering the angel was marked for 150 alone...
not bad, do you know if the mandarin goby will eat frozen or dry food or do you have come pods in your tank?
The goby is on frozen and pods, but I have plenty of rock and cheato in the sump so pods are good. The tang is about 4-5" and the angel is 5-6", I will try to get some pics up this weekend.
The goby is on frozen and pods, but I have plenty of rock and cheato in the sump so pods are good. The tang is about 4-5" and the angel is 5-6", I will try to get some pics up this weekend.

Do they have Dragonets that are eating frozen or dry food often. Do they feed them in front of you if you want. If so it would be worth the trip for me fo-sure
Do they have Dragonets that are eating frozen or dry food often. Do they feed them in front of you if you want. If so it would be worth the trip for me fo-sure

I dont remember seeing one, but they get new stuff on a rg basis and they will feed them if you ask them to. Not the bigest selection but great people, good prices and good quality.