I'm keeping my majanos!

Nope, they do NOT sting corals, They can take over a tank though. I always mention that to an interested buyer.

They definitly take over tanks . The stinging i think they have a mild sting the sps in my buddies tank that had some at base definilty were affected in area it was touching didnt kill whole coral but definitly irritatted it the zoas just got taken over. Definitly a creature u dint want in reef unless u just want them. They r to me just aptasia with makeup on to look perty
Aptasia definitely stings other corals. Like I said, they do NOT sting. I have a few right next to SPS. I do try to get rid of them in my reef.
Cuz they STING!!

From Animal-World.com:

The Manjano Anemone Anemonia manjano, also called Anemonia Majano, vies with the Aiptasia Glass Anemones as the top pest anemone in saltwater and reef tanks. Like these other pesky anemones, it doesn't have a very good reputation with saltwater hobbyists. They have strong stings and don't "play nice" with other corals and fish. They use venomous cells, nematocysts found in their tentacles, to sting corals and fish. They can be a challenge to get rid of and have been known to take over a reef aquarium by quickly reproducing, while stinging and killing other tank invertebrates.
Well I decided to keep these tulip anemones, and nine months have passed since I started this thread. They have multiplied often enough but have been super easy to control. I have 6 now, and I've killed 6 clones maybe in all this time, very easily with a syringe and lemon juice. They don't walk off and spread to anywhere else in the tank. In fact they walk so slowly that I would have to ignore my tank for 2 weeks or more for one to escape my control. The chosen ones that I allowed to live have never moved in 9 months. And they're really neat and colorful too dammit.

Maybe it's time to separate these tulip anemones from an underserved reputation as unmanageable pests? I'm sure there will be disagreement but I can say that they've been a great addition to our tank, and I'll probably put a couple in our new tank too.

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They're beautiful & I love them as much as you do! They're great for a FOWLR tank but I have easily kept them under control with an aptasia wand & kalk, when they pop up where I don't want them. At the moment I have none left, as too many people were b!tching about them being pests. Lots of folks still PM me asking for them. One man's pest is another's beautiful coral!
Bear, just be careful (as you already are), I know we've talked about it before, but these things have gotten out of hand in peoples tank quickly, and at rates where Kalk/Lime paste won't take care of it. A lot of their multiplication has to do with water quality and stability. Large water changes or fast changes can get them spawning and/or splitting at an uncontrollable rate. Once they get going at that rate, there isn't a whole lot you can do about it.
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One of these just popped up in my tank a few weeks ago. I've never seen one in my tank and I haven't added any live rock for over a year and a half. It was about the size of a quarter. I gave it a nice dose of kalk paste. No idea how it got in my tank. I'm on the lookout for its friends if it had any.
I think they look pretty. Then again, Paris Hilton and Kim K also look pretty but do you really want those two b*tches in your home? No! They probably have herpes and so does this anemone. I would like to stay herpes free. Thank you very much. hahaha.

If this makes no sense to you then....mmmmm.....drink a few brews and come back to read it again :)

One of these just popped up in my tank a few weeks ago. I've never seen one in my tank and I haven't added any live rock for over a year and a half. It was about the size of a quarter. I gave it a nice dose of kalk paste. No idea how it got in my tank. I'm on the lookout for its friends if it had any.

This is relatively common, sometimes they can come in almost invisible on frags.
I'm fairly sure that these are not the same as majano, and surely deserve a name (and reputation) of their own. They don't retract into holes/crevices, and seem to split at a comparable rate to BTAs. Google images of majanos and they look quite different too. Killing the excess clones was easy as could be. One little squirt of lemon juice with a 25 cent insulin syringe from Walgreens.

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I'm fairly sure that these are not the same as majano, and surely deserve a name (and reputation) of their own. They don't retract into holes/crevices, and seem to split at a comparable rate to BTAs. Google images of majanos and they look quite different too. Killing the excess clones was easy as could be. One little squirt of lemon juice with a 25 cent insulin syringe from Walgreens.

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Oh Jesus here we go again. Please do not rename them and distribute to others.
If anyone wants one, they will be free, and come with complete information, pros & (alleged) cons.

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