Show Your face!

lol that would be a funny way to meet a freind for the first time.
Brock did you remember him looking up from ground with his knee in your back cuffing you? That was about the size of the bass i caught when i was a kid after the story got around for a few days!! lol
no brenda the "babies" arent here yet its twins :-) 2 girls. i cant wait. ill be sure to post some pics of the new additions to the family. and by the looks of it it seems like im one of the younger ones on here.:bounce:
Yes, I'm a cop...8yrs now.
My hubby's been a charter member of City Heat MC (used to be Blue Knights) for 30+ years. All his friends are cops.
now about that speeding ticket...
Yeah... about that... Is everyone aware of the new speeding laws that started the 1st of this year???
30 over: $1500 & 6 months jail time.
40 over: $2500 & 1 year in jail.

Wish me luck--I'm going to court on Monday. Do they allow fish tanks in jail?
no brenda the "babies" arent here yet its twins :-) 2 girls. i cant wait. ill be sure to post some pics of the new additions to the family.

Oh wow! TWINS!!!! That is so cool! How is your wife feeling? I can't imagine carrying twins.
ICO... Optometry school out here in Chicago

yaay my wife got into that school.... she will start soon.... i cant wait... :cheer2: then i can afford my dream tank... and car, and boat, and motorcycle... ok enough,,, but another 4 years and im rich:a20: ,,,... or will i ?
:ballchain: Will you visit me? Hubby says I'm a liability & would be cheaper for him to keep me in jail for a while. He could shut down my tanks & save a ton on electricity.

high school bowling 2003 wha wha


my jesus days, gave that hair to a little girl through locks of love, good stuff.


last week. don't let looks fool you, that dog is EVIL!