Trouble in paradise

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New member
Got home today and my two bigger pair of false percula's have taken over my smaller B&W clowns seabe, They are running them out and don't want them to get hurt so i pulled them and put them in a breeder tank with a maroon anemone. The 2 males are going back to there home but the two female are still in there.
I agree with everyone..consider yourself lucky to be able to house more than 2 clowns in on tank. Hopefully everyone return back home to their respective anemones.
Found out this morning it was the female that left her mate for another. Now the smaller females alone in the left anemone and the female in centers male is staying in the right and she shacked up with the male in the center seabe! lol
Yes there is a suicide proof barrier on it! I moved the 2 B&W over to a breeder tank and the whore is still going from 1 seabe to another, She hasn't went back to the maroon tip since she left. Her boyfriend is still there and hasn't left it from day 1. My other 2 orange & whites have to deal with the slut coming over to there home from time to time but seem to be tolerating her now. I am thinking of moving her and her man to a breeder and moving a big pair of B&W back into display.
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