Edin's new DB set up


Hey guys I sold my 120 and decided to do this. 34gal DB that is mainly zoa garden and 2 12x12x12 DB one is nem and shroom the other is torches and frog spawns. Still work in process I'll update more, in same time I'm working on a 30 gallon DB and that one is mainly going be sps

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That is an awesome setup! Love it. What is that red thing sticking out of the water by the overflow in the middle tank?
Would you mind giving us bullet point pros and cons? Or some observations based on your experiences?

ie. a single sump forces you to the same parameters with all your tanks ( can be a pro and a con )

I made a promise to myself to take down the old tank when I upgraded. However, your setup does make continued operation rather enticing. Is it time for Reefkeeper Anonymous?
Let me start off by saying I am totally addicted can't stop thinking of new ways and new ideas I had every size tank up to 210 gal by now from my experience the more water volume you have the more easy to keep things in check and it also means I can keep more fish that usually would not get along in one tank.. I am actually adding one more 30 gallon deep blue tank to this and a remote refugium about 30gal I just have not had time to do the plumbing yet. The only thing I wish that I had is a bigger sump. The reef keeper is just for more security because a lot of things can go wrong and it's one systems that means I will lose everything. I still have a long way to go but I will keep pushing until I can't no more or until my wife and 5 kids leaves me lol jk but yea love this hobby.