Help out a local dog rescue!


Premium member
I have a favor to ask everyone. My wife and I have worked with a dog rescue group for the past 5 years. We have fostered multiple dogs, from puppies to adults. Two of our dogs were adopted from this rescue group.

The rescue group has entered into an online contest from 1-800-PETMEDS. Please help us win the $1,000 so we can continue to rescue dogs. All you have to do is vote for us every day. No sign up required. Just two clicks. You can vote from different browsers and from different devices.

Vote for HALO

"We rescue Havanese from the horrors of puppy mill life. Our motto is "Happy Endings Start Here". Since 2002, we have rescued almost 1200 Havanese. Often those we rescue are about to be euthanized because they are no longer considered "profitable" by the mill. We give them the vet care we would want our own dogs to have and help them adjust emotionally and physically to a new life of freedom. When they are ready, we find the right home for each one. We are determined that the life they lead after rescue will be a safe, healthy and happy one."

I apologize in advance if this isn't allowed. Please remove if needed.

Some dogs we have fostered in the past:

Done and keep up the great work ..i hate puppy mills and unfortunately did'nt do my research on diamondsand pearlspuppies aka Vernon Beechy and bought my new bride a micro yorkie for BIG $$$ and they delivered it to us with coccidia and even after a whopping vet bill the precious lil pup did'nt make it ... so bummed
[/url]I voted by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

Keep up the great work !!! :)
Thanks everyone!!!!!

The contest runs till Nov 20th and you can vote every 24 hours =). So if you are bored, please vote for Halo! You can vote from different browsers and they count as separate votes. I average around 10 votes a day...hahah.

Every dollar for this rescue goes directly to taking care of the dogs. $1,000 means three more rescues will go to a good home.