Say 'Hi' to the new guy.....


New member
Hey all, just joined here, so I am a newbie here, although not new to the hobby.
I have owned tanks for multiple decades, salt and fresh, even opened an aquarium store in Los Angeles in 1995.
Because of recent (and not so recent) surgeries on my lower back and feet, had to sell everything and move to SW Michigan.
Six years later since my last tank, I am getting back into the hobby and looking for fellow hobbyist that are local.
I have been on (and off) since 2005, also as Reef-Luva, same avatar.

I am starting a JBJ 30 gal all-in-one, seamless and rim-less, it is gorgeous, still cycling with nothing in it except live sand.

I am also a painter with a website,, a chef here in town and was a professional drummer back in L.A.,
...but as you know, life is not about avoiding the water, but about learning how to dance in the rain.

Thanx for reading this and don't be shy, "Holla'!"

Here are a few pics from my last cube, no longer running.
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Welcome . Idk how local we r to Michigan but then again i did just go to a frag swap out there was a nice 4hr ride
Old tank looked great, welcome to CR.

Thank you mj, when I had to empty this tank, my kids and I went to a Korean food market
and 'rescued' an octopus that actually survived for several months.
Their life span is short, and this Octopus vulgaris even shorter than most..but he was bad ass.

welcome aboard! great intro and nice tank. how long has it been up?

Thank you, a lot of work and $$$, as you know..hahaha....I had that reef set up for about 18 months in Burbank, So Cal.
From about Sep. 2010 to about Jan. 2012...then kept my favorite cephalopod for a few months, an octopus my kids and I
'rescued' from a Korean food market...he was amazing.
Mi is 45min from my place and I'm 40 min from downtown (all in good traffic.)

Lies your in japan. So its semi local . In all honesty the frag swap in Michigan although must of been alot farther then him was one the best frags swaps ive been to nice coral nice prices and even nicer women lol eye candy everywhere including in the tanks . So welcome aboard
Thank you mj, when I had to empty this tank, my kids and I went to a Korean food market
and 'rescued' an octopus that actually survived for several months.
Their life span is short, and this Octopus vulgaris even shorter than most..but he was bad ass.


You're right, really cool octopus, was it easy to keep it in the tank?