Scooter and Lawnmower


Will a scooter and lawnmower get along?
I've got a 30 gallon, and I'll probably move the scooter to my 14 once it's established. Thoughts?
they have different natural diets, and are both peaceful in nature. I don't see any issues unless your particular specimens just don't get along for some reason. Much like keeping a mandarin and lawnmower in the same tank (which many people do)
I put one mandarine goby and lawnmower in the tank the next day the lawnmower died and the mandarin still alive .. don't know why it just died easy..
I currently have a flametail and lawmower blennies in the same tank, had 3 blennies at one point, but gave the 3rd blennie away to a friend, they all co-existed just fine in the tank together. They are like tangs, sometimes they get along, sometimes you get fighting. I am going to try putting a midas in my tank soon to see if I have the same luck I did before. Just need to catch the darn yellow tang to offset the bioload from the 3-4 new small fish I want to add. Just be sure to have a healthy pod population for the scooter and you should be fine.
i have a breeding pair of tail spot blennies, 2 lawnmower blennies, a pair of mandarines, and a scooter blenny and they are all fine together
The only thing with the LMB is he needs algae or he will probably die. I'm not talking the store bought kind either. Maybe some have trained them to eat pellets or what not but they need the real deal. I had one that was a fat mutha from living in my breeder tanks and when he went into my display that was a few months old, that was the end for him. I tried catching him to no avail.
I've got lots of hair algae, but I don't think he's eating. I'm going to keep an eye on him, if he gets thin, I'll need to give him to a new home

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