my new clown.

Ummm. Ocellaris and perculas do not mix or pair together. That's why the aggression!

Thats not right.The SnowOnyx Is a combination of a Female Onyx and a Mail Snowflake.I have a pair spawning. There babies are a Hybread that a far stronger than their parents.. They are much more disease resisant and grow faster. The reasion for the aggression is ,one, the female has been alone for almost a year now.Two, it is normal behaviour for a female to show domiance when a mail is introduced.Clowns comming from a raising tank dont really know how to submit.Kinda like men after takes some "adjustment". It took these clowns less than 24 hours to pair. Thats good considering how long she was by herself.
Thats not right.The SnowOnyx Is a combination of a Female Onyx and a Mail Snowflake.I have a pair spawning. There babies are a Hybread that a far stronger than their parents.. They are much more disease resisant and grow faster. The reasion for the aggression is , the female has been alone for almost a year now. It took these clowns less than 24 hours to pair. Thats good considering how long she was by herself.

That would make sense then. A "black ice" clown is a snowflake Ocellaris x black Ocellaris. Another name should be used to sell your hybrid so not to confuse them.

That is great that you spawned the two different species together. That is not the norm.
Thank You.. SnowOnyx and BlackIce are there commonly accepted names. Two different fish.SnowOnyx typicly have smoother bars.BlackIce 100% ocellaris.Their bars are more jagged.
That would make sense then. A "black ice" clown is a snowflake Ocellaris x black Ocellaris. Another name should be used to sell your hybrid so not to confuse them.

That is great that you spawned the two different species together. That is not the norm.

They are called SnowOnyx.