

My husband and I have read that they're better kept in pairs or more, but the guy at Aquarium Adventure says they're better by themself.

I know Aquarium Adventure isn't the best fish store, but I figured I'd take it into account.
That's what I thought - this guy is telling me that they're going to kill eachother.. But they have like 12+ in their tanks there..
If you don't get a male/female pair they are likely to eventually become one. Just pick two that are hanging out close to each other in the store and you'll be fine. I love regular firefish. Almost wish I had a pair of those in my 75 instead of the Helfrichi.
There is no way to ID a male/female pair, so you have a 1 in 3 chance of buying a pair, otherwise they will likely end up fighting. Unless you buy an already bonded pair from a place like LiveAquaria or a LFS special order. There is always the exception that they may get along even if you get 2 of the same sex. Your other option is to keep a smaller school of them, introduced at the same time, like 5 or so, but I would not recommend that for your nano.
I don't think firefish are really a schooling fish.. because some of them in the "school" at AA are pretty beat up looking.. Yet the 3 little purple ones in a seperate tank all look perfectly fine. I think I might take my chances getting 2 of them.. They're pretty BA looking.. Especially the regular ones with the long fin.
If you don't get a male/female pair they are likely to eventually become one. Just pick two that are hanging out close to each other in the store and you'll be fine. I love regular firefish. Almost wish I had a pair of those in my 75 instead of the Helfrichi.

I wish you would have never mentioned the Helfrichi! I'm in love! If you want I'll just get a pair of regular firefish and we can call it an even trade. ;)

PS - I know they're worth a LOT more than regular firefish.
I don't think firefish are really a schooling fish.. because some of them in the "school" at AA are pretty beat up looking.. Yet the 3 little purple ones in a seperate tank all look perfectly fine. I think I might take my chances getting 2 of them.. They're pretty BA looking.. Especially the regular ones with the long fin.

That is 100% correct. Firefish are not in any way a schooling fish. They are also not a fish that forms Harems. They pair up like clowns and protect their territory as a pair. At best you could call them a "congregating" fish but this is not something that will last in most home aquaria. Long term (a year or longer) even in tanks as large as 350 gallons more than 2 firefish generally become two.

I wish you would have never mentioned the Helfrichi! I'm in love! If you want I'll just get a pair of regular firefish and we can call it an even trade. ;)

PS - I know they're worth a LOT more than regular firefish.

If I could catch it I would sell it to you at an awesome price. I've had it for over a year now and it eats everything! Maybe when I re-scape in a few weeks I'll catch it if it doesn't end up in a rock.

nice avatar ted

That is 100% correct. Firefish are not in any way a schooling fish. They are also not a fish that forms Harems. They pair up like clowns and protect their territory as a pair. At best you could call them a "congregating" fish but this is not something that will last in most home aquaria. Even in tanks as large as 350 gallons more than 2 firefish generally become two.

If I could catch it I would sell it to you at an awesome price. I've had it for over a year now and it eats everything! Maybe when I re-scape in a few weeks I'll catch it if it doesn't end up in a rock.


Keep me posted. Lol. I think I've decided against a firefish for right now.. Was looking into a tribal blenny because they're cool, and have a max size of about 4 inches.. But now that I'm reading about them in other forums - there are people saying theirs have attacked corals.

I feel like I can't have ANYTHING that I like.
I just left aquarium adventure a few minutes ago.. That place is kind of a joke, right now they have 50 % off all fish, corals and live rock. BUT they jacked the prices sky high its rediculous. They have a teeny tiny purple tang priced at 329.99. Also have powder blue tang priced at 115.00. So their half off prices are still slightly over normal prices anywhere else. And actually all the fish look very thin and un healthy.
I just left aquarium adventure a few minutes ago.. That place is kind of a joke, right now they have 50 % off all fish, corals and live rock. BUT they jacked the prices sky high its rediculous. They have a teeny tiny purple tang priced at 329.99. Also have powder blue tang priced at 115.00. So their half off prices are still slightly over normal prices anywhere else. And actually all the fish look very thin and un healthy.

That's not the prices jacked up. It's just their prices. During the 50% off sale is when you can get their fish at the high end of the industry norms :)
I just left aquarium adventure a few minutes ago.. That place is kind of a joke, right now they have 50 % off all fish, corals and live rock. BUT they jacked the prices sky high its rediculous. They have a teeny tiny purple tang priced at 329.99. Also have powder blue tang priced at 115.00. So their half off prices are still slightly over normal prices anywhere else. And actually all the fish look very thin and un healthy.

The pink pseudochromis and yellow watchman goby I got are pretty good looking.. But I DO agree with you - the prices are a joke. They did put them up just to take half off. :\
Keep me posted. Lol. I think I've decided against a firefish for right now..

Whatever, you know you want her:




That's not the prices jacked up. It's just their prices. During the 50% off sale is when you can get their fish at the high end of the industry norms :)

Nah, they're jacked. Because when I got my Randall's from them.. I got it for $22 because they thought it was a wheelers.. The regular price was like $55.. And today for a Randall's it was $75 without the 50% off.

I did get Brandon's pseudo for roughly $8 though, so I'm happy about that.
Whatever, you know you want her:





Why yes, yes I do! I knew I should have went back and edited that post! Lol. I was just saying that I've decided against getting one - TODAY! Hahahah. I'd still like one because they're just such a cool, stupid, hang out fish. I like fish that I can see.

She sure is pretty!
Oh and I asked an employee a question and he responded with " I've been doing this for 17 years so I know what im talking about" I then asked him how old he was and he responded with "Im 20 yrs old" Come on now !!!!
Oh and I asked an employee a question and he responded with " I've been doing this for 17 years so I know what im talking about" I then asked him how old he was and he responded with "Im 20 yrs old" Come on now !!!!

LMFAO! I would have just laughed right in his face, and probably peed my pants in the process.

Hahahahahahaha. I'm seriously laughing out loud right now and my daughter looked back at me with a face like "what?" Hahahah. Oh wow.. What a joke.