LED no more -- Clam fate..


New member
So the LED's just aren't cutting it for me. I'm going back to a retro 6 bulb 54W t5 setup I am putting together now. IS my clam not going to like it anymore? He's been a champ from the MH to LED switch but most likely will lose alot of the shimmer. I may have a refugee available if thats the case.... :)
Add in a couple stunner strips or a cheap DIY strip of royal blues for pop and shimmer, but 6 t5 with reflectors should be good up to 30" depth with good bulbs.
your clam will be fine under t5 if thats the question and if your looking for shimmer add led strip like said above
Sorry to hear that why the switch?

I had wanted to go all t5 before the LED's. I went with 10k led's and left 2 -54w t5 actinics in and it wasn't what I was looking for. I'll probably convert my bc29 to led with half blue and see how that works on that tank.
Well after seeing fishbeard's tank, it got me thinking of how I wanted my tank to look... I'm gonna blame him for turning me against the darkside... LOL! I just wanted a tried and true method so I have decided not to increase my LED count and just do the t5's. I think it will be better in something smaller. Also, I'm not a fan of the way these diy kits are wired, I'm sorry but I don't think its a safe way to wire lighting for tanks. I used the led spray on the connections and all but I never was comfortable with it. Some people really can do a great job with them but I've seen some that kinda scare me.....
That's weird i notice no color loss or any problems with my LEDs great growth of course not as much as mh but enough to notice i have everything from zoas/palys....to several birdsnest style corals....montiporas.....chalice .....clams .... Skullys.....frogspawn... Acros...and bta's from a green ..rose...flame...Nd sunburst ...all have gorgeous color only coral I noticed color loss was a millipora . Not only colorfully but fully open and thriving.
That's weird i notice no color loss or any problems with my LEDs great growth of course not as much as mh but enough to notice i have everything from zoas/palys....to several birdsnest style corals....montiporas.....chalice .....clams .... Skullys.....frogspawn... Acros...and bta's from a green ..rose...flame...Nd sunburst ...all have gorgeous color only coral I noticed color loss was a millipora . Not only colorfully but fully open and thriving.

How long have you had leds and which ones?
I have a blueline panel on my biocube at about 16" been 6months. I am new to this hobby so haven't tryed anything else but the t5 I had for about a month but I have litterally 50 diff corals no problems with any but like I said the millipora and its grown just lost color i had one green and one pink both lost color.
You know I am in no rush to change my MH. I love what LED have done for our reef passion. But until I hear of a magic LED that will provide the spectrum and color and flexability. Not just a color appealing to the eye...Then I will put some serious thought and money into LED as my main lighting system. THAT IS JUST MY OPINION.
I trades a budie the green one I had for dendros about a week ago. I have the pink left not to colorfull anymore. I was going to trade him for a brain he has he has mh. So I would be more incline to trade but it all depends I guess
You know I am in no rush to change my MH. I love what LED have done for our reef passion. But until I hear of a magic LED that will provide the spectrum and color and flexability. Not just a color appealing to the eye...Then I will put some serious thought and money into LED as my main lighting system. THAT IS JUST MY OPINION.

I took out my 250's because I have a canopy and the heat was crazy even with a fan at either end. The Led's were great for the drop in heat issue but I think for my needs, t5 is where I want to be...