Smitty's 37gal reef


Premium member
What's up guys...just a quick introduction of my tank...I have a standard 29gal reef tank with approx 105lbs of live rock, and 20lbs of live sand and a diy chamber filled with cheato. I run a Aqua C remora HOB skimmer. I run a 150watt 14K K2 Viper clamp on MH with a 12hr light cycle. I have mostly lps corals, a few softies and two sps's. I have various critters as my cuc and only 3 fish(firefish goby, 2 chromis).
Here is a pic of my tank, minus the recently died. :(
wow how did you squeeze 105lbs of live rock in there!? Im really digging your rock wall..Makes the tank look bigger then it really does!
Thank you sir...I have that much rock in there because it used to all be in my old 55gal reef, until my ex-wife became irrate and poured bleach in my system, killing everything. So when i started over last Febuary, i put all the dead rock in a 29gal I had in the garage.
i have a 29 gallon woah i didnt know you could squeez 105 pounds im scared at just the thought of adding like 40 pounds which is my plan. looks awesome though i want mine to look like that well not so much rock but with a few corals like that i already have the only 3 fish i plan on adding 2 clowns and a yellow watchman goby. my next addition will be one of those cleaner shrimps and i have 2 nassarius snails and 6 blue legged hermits in there. yours looks cool tho
i have a 29 gallon woah i didnt know you could squeez 105 pounds im scared at just the thought of adding like 40 pounds which is my plan. looks awesome though i want mine to look like that well not so much rock but with a few corals like that i already have the only 3 fish i plan on adding 2 clowns and a yellow watchman goby. my next addition will be one of those cleaner shrimps and i have 2 nassarius snails and 6 blue legged hermits in there. yours looks cool tho

Thank you Mr Z... :)
Thanks's a blasto frag I got from Rob's has about 12 heads on it now.

I'm amazed that you were able to fit all that rock into the 29gal...the wall definitely looks good. sorry to hear about the 55gal and clam. any pics of your old setup?
i got a tiny piece of live rock that had a bit of that now its all over and theres a spot on another rock where its growing i think its that at my pic of my clowns on my thread and look at a peice of rock under it.
Yep, give it the right water conditions and adequate will spread quickly...some people don't care for it much, especially when it starts growing on the help it spread faster, take a toothbrush and brush it to spread the spores around the tank. The bad thing about it is it sucks up a lot of your calcium.
well i know i dont have adequate lighting i have water conditions are good id like it to spread i hear good things about it but well see how it goes
also if you want your encrusting anything to grow, dont get urchins, i have 2, and they got big really fast, and my rocks got really white fast lol.

Oh and i LOVE your setup on the 55. i screwed my scape up and now have a pile of rocks, and super jelous now lol.
also if you want your encrusting anything to grow, dont get urchins, i have 2, and they got big really fast, and my rocks got really white fast lol.

Oh and i LOVE your setup on the 55. i screwed my scape up and now have a pile of rocks, and super jelous now lol.

+1 Scotty...although urchins are great members of a cuc, they wreak havoc on the coralline algae.
Thanks on the 55gal compliment...I do miss it.
How could someone destroy something so beautiful.:mad:
Congratulations and good luck on the new start :D

Yeah, that question has been asked numerous of time, she had an anger and drinking
Issue. I'll never forget that day, cause I've never looked back since I've left.
And now I have an even more beautiful reef, it was an unplanned way for me to start over and do everything the correct way, the 1st time, so thanks for the encouragement. :)
I keep urchins in all my tanks. I like pincushion and long spine, pencil urchins eat corals. I get wisps of hair algae due to high nutrients in my tanks. They consume this quite well. They do eat coralline too but a fair trade IMO. They knock things over like little bulldozers if not firmly glued down. I find them invaluable.