My Twins Are Here!!!!!!!!!!!

this is them about 10 minutes after they where born. the farthest one is Aaliyah and she was born at 5:49pm and was 3lbs 2oz and the one closer is Thalia and she was born at 5:51pm at 4lbs 7oz on march 23 2011


i do want like a little fluval edge with some clowns in their room or a small 5 gallon tank or smaller. but money is so tight. id just like it to be fowlr and some of those fake plastic corals. to give some color
COngrats and good luck.... your gonna need it. My younger sisters are twins and they are just plain evil most of the time. They gang up on everyone else.
Make sure your tank is big enough for them to snorkel in. They'll love it. I heard of some people's children taking to bubble tips if you'd be willing to go for that
lol thank guys. one of the them is doing home and doing great but the other little one is still in the hospital but shes still doing great. they just want her to gain more weight before they release her but theyre doing great :-)