65g Stock Plan Advice


New member
I am currently seeking some advice on my stock list that I am planing to use. I do intend on being on the heavier side of the bio load due to the fact I just love having a lot of fish in a tank. Also I'm planning on keeping it more along the lines of a SPS dominated tank.
Dimensions are (36x18x24)


-Pair of Black Ice Clowns (Going to try to get them this weekend)
-Leopard Wrasse (Currently in tank)
-Lyretail Anthias (Currently have a male, was thinking about a possible trio?)
-Purple Tang (I know the tang police will be in on this one)

As far as the tang goes I'm playing on finding the smallest one possible so hopefully by the time it gets to big I will either have a bigger tank up or it will just get sold to someone who has a bigger home for it.

If anyone has any other ideas just basically looking for nice color along with really active.
I'm finally going to listen to you all with the whole no tang think. So now i need advice on what to add. I would just like active swimmers. Also is it possible to do a trio of Lyretail Anthias?

- Pair of Black Ice Clowns (Currently in tank)
- Black Leopard Wrasse (Currently in tank)
-Lyretail Anthias/ Male i think (Currently in tank also)
lyretails get pretty big. might want to stick with the single. midas blennys are out in the open and cool. wrasses in general, cant go wrong with a reef safe wrasse. im not sure if you can or not, but what about different species of anthias, different males...? idk if thats ok or not im sure someone more experienced on them will speak up.