Is this crypt ?


No, I'm not a communist..
I've had this butterfly in QT for a couple weeks and by most accounts he's eating very well and not breathing fast, but there have been white spots at the very end of his tail fin and the very ends of his pectoral fins. I don't see any white spots anywhere else on the body. The fish is very active and loves to come up to the front of the tank to visit with me. Here's a couple pics. Someone suggested that these spots could be from abrasions caused by the net that was used to catch the fish. I'm not so sure since they have not gone away in 2 weeks. Could this be bacterial or fungal......


To me it looks more bacterial or fungal like you stated Eric. It could possibly be Ich but I don't believe so. Fungal and bacterial tend to have more a cottony look to it and a thicker look to it. It is easily treatable with Melafix. Week or so and it should be gone. I've had a fish with it and it cured it for me.
That's what I was thinking. i wouldn't expect ich to be confined to such specific places. Where's did you get your melafix?
It don't matter wich one you use. Regular or Marine will work just fine. Petco or Petsmart. It's no more than $10.
Lympho is a virus and is contagious. I personally have never treated Lympho with Melafix. Just make sure your water quality is pristine, and more often than not the fish will recover just fine. I have had fish with Lympho in the past and this has always worked for me. Good luck.
Good to know.

If anyone reading this thread ever wonders why I constantly preach about QT tanks....I hope this helps convince those who don't do it :)