Steak for my fish


New member
I have a painted angler that has been eating ghost shrimp everyday for awhile. I was just wondering what would be a good hearty meal for him to have instead of just ghost shrimp? Maybe something like a steak for me or you....He has eaten a chromis before, and I know not to do any goldfish or anything like that. Was just curious if there was anything out there? And mangler the angler only likes his food alive and well. Thanks for the help
I have tried silversides before and he doesnt have much interest in them. I try making them look as lively as possible. But seems like he only wants the live food.
Yea, if he is on frozen/thawed food, silversides will be most nutritious for him, otherwise the occasional small chromis or damsel when you can get them on sale cheap.
Any suggestions on how to feed him the silversides??? I will try those again, but before after thawin them out I would put them in tank with pair of plastic tongs or grabbers trying to wiggle around and making look like the silverside is swimming...
Unless you gut-load your ghost shrimp, they are pretty much non-nutritious. Try soaking any foods you feed him in Selcon & Vita-Chem. Soaking in garlic can enhance appetite & make the food more attractive. Try slices of people shrimp.
just a quick question

are frog fish known jumpers ?

I can't imagine them being able to get escape velocity. they don't even swim. They walk!! Hopefully someone can confirm, but I have seen them in the wild and they didn't act like jumpers do (and I think they are relatively deep water).
Thanks for all the info. I'm gonna try soaking his food for when you say shrimp from the store. You mean like frozen uncooked shrimp? Or does it need to be raw shrimp from like the deli