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So even tho my reef is geeting very close to being emptu of coral and fish there still is livestock left in it. last night around two am i was ripped from my sleep by a loud flushing sound followed by a gurgle at first i thought i was dreaming but when i finally got up to jave a look i could see the water in my coasg to coast overflow box getting flushed back and fourth. I ran down to the sump stared at it for a minute and realized that water had been coming full siphon from the air line or first drain barely any from the full siphon immediatly i took the ball valve off the full siphon and have a look inside and i find a snail wedged at the ballvalve pulled him out and reinstalled the ballvalve 10min total spent doing this then the overflow returned to normal since i have a mag 24 as my return on a 92 i would have had tons of water all over living room and pumps running dry possibly causing damage if i didnt have this overflow beat part is that i still had one pipe the reserve bone dry just in case just thought id share how my tank money and a huge mess were saved by this design. who ever thought of this i give you props !!!! i reccommend this system to anyone building or redoing a tank from scratch alittle fyi i have no idea how snail got in the ofver flow and the only reason it got stuck at ball valve is because i dont have full siphon open all way it about half closed and stiil keeps up perfectly with a beast return pump
Sorry for the long post but i thought it would be a good one to share have a good day thanks for reading
Sorry for the long post but i thought it would be a good one to share have a good day thanks for reading