Yellow headed jaw fish


Well-known member
Ok here is the case.

I got a jaw fish which managd to jump into the back chamber of my biocube and some how hurtled it's tail

It just looked like a split tail and he is just doing fine or I thought so...

But the next day that split in the tail looked like more splitted .. Also he isnt that active and not eating
Still looking to jump off though

So my questions

1. I have a heater powerhead and air filter ... So why can't I use just the 5 gallon bucket as the qt

2. If I can use it .... How do I treat him
3. How do I know he is healed and when can I put him back in the tank ...

Is it safe for other fish ?? I don't wanna hurt other fish in the tank

A 5gal bucket is not good IMO.. If you like... I have a QT setup just waiting to be set up 10gal or 20L..

LMK if you want to make the trip to Streamwood

Ummm the problem is with space in my apartment .... I don't have space for a third tank :(

Also even if I setup a 20 or 10 gallon qt I hav eno idea how to treat it ...

Is it tough or simple long does it take for it to completely heal
Ok setup a 20 gallon with 15 gallon water and with sand for it to burrow

Only thing is I think the power head is little strong would it be ok ??
ok now i see that the blood clot from the tail is gone and visually the jaw fish looks better everyday

it returned back to its normal routine of digging the whole tank and i also see that the tail is growing back

so when do i know its good enough to move it to the main tank ??
So the jawfish Is looking come rely healthy and is completely active ..... Visually completely good ...

So the question is when should I put him in the main display tank ???

Should I wait much longer .. How do I know ??
i dont wanna keep im all alone in there .. please help :(

how would i know when i can change him to the main tank ..
he is always eating but never really eats like other fish .. like comming and getting fish ... but if i spot feed him then yea he eats :D

and he is like ultra active digging through it all :)

Thanks Dre .. i somehow knew it would be you to reply :D thanks
I had a Dusky Jawfish in my old tank with an open top for years and he never jumped. Then when I had him over at Sho Tank while I was setting up my new tank he jumped there. Matt replaced him for me but that one ended up jumping out of his tank too. I think the issue is that in his tank there wasn't a substrate for the Jawfish to burrow into so they probably felt exposed and skittish which caused them to jump. That is just my speculation though.
I had a Dusky Jawfish in my old tank with an open top for years and he never jumped. Then when I had him over at Sho Tank while I was setting up my new tank he jumped there. Matt replaced him for me but that one ended up jumping out of his tank too. I think the issue is that in his tank there wasn't a substrate for the Jawfish to burrow into so they probably felt exposed and skittish which caused them to jump. That is just my speculation though.

dont think thats the case with mine though ... it had plenty of cover to dig in ..

i think some are just born with that spark to escape lol
My only concern is .. if it happens to hide for too long i start to get worried and loose sleep cause mine is a small system and if some thing happens to it .. i loose everything ..
added him to the tank after an hour of acclimation

looks like he is swimming good but kinda lazy ..

hope he would be fine this time ..
He is doing wonderfully good

i saw him trying to jump off again last nite but yahooo i closed every exit for him :D

so he returned back to his normal menace of digging all through ........................