Can u swap out sumps?

The reefer

Active member
I have a 10 g sump now but I'm thinking of getting a custom made sump. Has any one done this and r there any risks?
if you had ball valves and unions put into your plumbing. should be as easy as shutting off all your plumbing (return and overflow) and then taking the unions off. Take old sump out, new sump in. Replace plumbing and fill water as needed. THen check for leaks.
Well said i did this moved a 75 gallon sump to a 55 sump pumped all water into buckets swiched and replaved water
Oh ok. I really want to get a new sump so I can use up all of the space I have in my stand. I'm gonna b getting sum unions Also so I can do the plumbing right when I get it. If I need more info I'll ask for help.