Comming soon

No fish balls. That is a sign of stress. When fish are attacked they run for nems. If there are no nems they group together. Unstressed clowns don't ball up. This is the first batch I pulled. This is from a pair I call Jaded Ice. The male has lots of green in his baring. You can see this in the vid. Babies are 20 days old. If any come with green they are called Jaded Ice. No green Booyahs DarkSide. Enjoy.
Wow 20 days and that dark already? Hard to tell but are they showing good snowflake patterns in their striping already? From the looks do you think these will be fully black and white snowflakes once matured?

I got a price quote by pm from Mitch, but will wait for him to announce pricing. ;-) will blow ORA out of the water....