William Lutman
Active member
what is this?
Probley Dino. Two fixes. First, your RODI is probley shot. Its letting silicates into your tank Dino uses silicates for their shell. Thas why a water change makes it worse. So Replace all filters and membrane. After that's done make water. Mix said water with salt. The next day treat tank with Chema-clean. Read the instructions. Do what it says. Dino....... All gone.
yes, snails are fine
Just got back from Sho Tank. Double checked my test kit readings, everything 0.0 that should be. PH little low using supper buffer. Calcium 480, Alc ok, Phos 0.0
I am going to get all my water from Mark for a while. Still just few little pockets of snot that seem to come and go. Think I have been buying bad water =/
Shout out to Mark at Sho Tank for the help. We will check everything in a few days again.
will, you can try this stuff if we get the BRS order up. I had something that looked like that for a while and this stuff seemed to solve it. Fortunately t completely safe for everything else, so dosing it and it not working won't hurt anything.
it's interesting that the instructions are so opposite between the products. Have you tried the one you linked? I have plenty of the one I linked if you want to try some.