Recent content by Batman222b

  1. B

    Harlequin Shrimp

    Ok. Thanks. Currently keeping mine in my sump. Think I'll just buy two CC to start and then replace one when the other is gone.
  2. B

    Harlequin Shrimp

    He's taken care of my Asterina. Don't want to starve him, but do you know how long after he finished a CC Star before I need to add another? Basically he'd have no other food until I add another.
  3. B

    Harlequin Shrimp

    He's taken care of my Asterina. Don't want to starve him, but do you know how long after he finished a CC Star before I need to add another? Basically he'd have no other food until I add another.
  4. B

    Harlequin Shrimp

    How long can a harlequin go between starfish? Mine finished one last week. Don't know when to add another. Thanks!!!!
  5. B

    Asterina Starfish Outbreak

    Do you have any wrasse in your tank? How much are you paying for the CC Star? My local fish store said a CC Star is running 35.00. Thanks
  6. B

    Asterina Starfish Outbreak

  7. B

    Asterina Starfish Outbreak

    Thanks. Just hoping the wrasse doesn't get to him before he can get the job done. Wrasse does will with a fire shrimp I have in the tank. Hope it's the same with this guy.
  8. B

    Asterina Starfish Outbreak

  9. B

    Asterina Starfish Outbreak

    Would a sump be a good second home?
  10. B

    Asterina Starfish Outbreak

    Thanks. Can't stand them! Have seen them on my Zoas and now I'm losing Zoas and coralline algae.
  11. B

    Asterina Starfish Outbreak

    I'm in need of some opinions. I have an outbreak of these stars. Have been trying for months to rid my tank of them, but they stay in the rock work and make it almost impossible to manually remove. My local fish store has a harlequin shrimp for sale for 70.00, but then I'm tied to feeding it...
  12. B

    Astria Star

    Where are you located?
  13. B

    Astria Star

    I've been doing that. I just feel that they are multiplying quickly. Know of any supplements you could add to wipe them out?
  14. B

    Astria Star

    Any way to kill these star without using the Harlequin Shrimp? Looking for something possibly to add that won't hurt my reef. Have a cleaner shrimp, some snails, and a few hermits. Tried a Harlequin Shrimp, by my melanarus wrasse had a very expensive meal. Love the wrasse and don't want to try...