Recent content by brettz16

  1. brettz16

    4.8G Deskmate reef
  2. brettz16

    4.8G Deskmate reef

    Added random flow nozzle. Trying to get the flow just right.
  3. brettz16

    4.8G Deskmate reef

    Remove some rock Upgraded to AI sol
  4. brettz16

    4.8G Deskmate reef

    Original lighting and aquascape
  5. brettz16

    4.8G Deskmate reef

    Hey everyone, Im finally getting back into reefing. I have had various tanks from nano cubes up to a 75g mixed reef. All of which were not as successful as i hoped for. Hoping to change that this time around. This tank has been set up for about a month. Im just getting through the ugly green...
  6. brettz16

    BTS at Shedd

    This weekend i got a chance to go behind the scenes at the Shedd Aquarium. I was with someone who work their, however i believe they offer a tour to the public for an extra fee. If you get a chance, i highly suggest doing it. I was able to hold jelly fish, feed 200lb catfish and see all the...
  7. brettz16

    THRIVE @ exotic aquatics

    Looks like Exotic Aquatics is getting the thrive water lab. i wonder if their going to do $1 per test
  8. brettz16

    Spirulina for Humans

    So, ive been feeding my fish a huge variety of foods, however i have been using Hikari Frozen Spirulina the most. Then, yesterday i bought a drink at the gas station. It was extremely good and said is was "healthy". When i looked at the ingredients, it contained 1300mg of spirulina a long with a...
  9. brettz16

    Sea Escapes S. Elgin

    Has anyone been here or heard anything about them? Reviews?
  10. brettz16

    LF: Fireworks!

    Hey guys, anybody know where i can get some last minute fireworks. im talking the big ones. I dont have time to go to WI.
  11. brettz16

    Brett's 30g rimless

    Brett's 30g pic update Well i just got started on my new build so i figured i can start a build thread. As most of you read, I am breaking down my 75 and temporarily going to a smaller tank. Once i get the appropriate funds and house, I will make my way back up to a 120 dd or something. Today...
  12. brettz16

    STN? or bad luck?

    Its been a while since i posted and unfortunely have to come back with this thread. I have had a couple sps die in the last couple weeks which i think might be from STN. The only thing i have changed since my set up was salt( i went from IO to Oceanic). It started about 4 months ago when i think...
  13. brettz16

    Monti HELP

    So i recently optioned this beautiful monitor and it was doing great until about a week ago when it started showing a brown spot near the base. I checked for parasites and worms but didn't see any. I could be a flow issue considering its "bowl" shaped and maybe theres not much getting down...
  14. brettz16

    Help vote for me!

    Hey guys/girls, I guess the t-shirt design fell through for now or is on hold. So for the CMAS logo contest, i submitted a bunch of designs including the one i submitted here. But because it not being used i thought it would be a great fit for CMAS. They chose 2 of my designs for the top 4. If...
  15. brettz16

    Fish Are Friends not food

    We get a bad rap here: