Recent content by fishkid

  1. F

    coral beauty

    My coral beauty is a picky eater. The only thing that iv'e seen him eat was the brine shrimp i gave him, is there anything else it might eat to someone who has this fish
  2. F

    hammer head

    cannot get my hammerhead to open I have good lights, but the lights I used before was t5 bulbs and the hammer loved it but when I switched to leds its not fully open and the hammer been doing this for awhile. Had led for a year now. I tried putting it higher but it made it worse help
  3. F

    coral foods

    what do you guys feed your reef? someone told me ion is good and many other liquid foods.
  4. F


    i have a red coris wrasse and wondered can i add another wrasse with him like a potters wrasse
  5. F


    whatis a good pump for a 55g that wouldnt cost too much. i need a good one that will get enough flow.