Recent content by Monti1

  1. Monti1

    Midas Blenny

    Picked one up a week or so ago. He’s just starting to come out of hiding a little more but he’s still pretty skittish. A little worried he’s not getting good though. He has not been out very much during feedings. Anyone have the same issue with this fish? Am I just being a little paranoid...
  2. Monti1

    Back in the tank game, 24 JBJ AIO

    Hi guys and gals, I’m just getting back into the hobby after life settled down a little. Picked up a used AIO and I’m settling into the Nano tank groove. Tunze 9001 skimmer Kessil 160WE with controller MP10 Intank media basket with the usual (floss, purigen, chemipure elite) 2 tank...
  3. Monti1


    Just setup a JBJ nano 24. Anyone out there running a skimmer and if so what are you running? I’m assuming they make a small on that will fit into one of the rear chambers. This is my first “all in one” tank without a sump. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Monti1


    Looking into heaters I can run with my RKL. It's looking like finnex titanium is the way to go. Looking for some feed back for what everyone recommends. I'd like to just control them from the RKL and not have an additional controller. Thanks in advance! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Monti1

    New 60 cube

    Hey everyone. I'm getting back into the reef game after being out for quite a while. My last attempt at a reef tank was short lived with the birth of my first child about 4 years ago. Things have settled and my wife and I purchased our first home. With that was a free pass to set up a new tank...
  6. Monti1

    Skimmer recommendations

    Hi guys, Been out of the tank game for 3-4 years. Just bought a house and will be picking up my 60 gallon cube tank this weekend. Starting to put together equipment to be used. What's everyone running for skimmers these days. Obviously with a 60 gallon I won't have a ton of room but I'm...