Recent content by Reefaholic

  1. Reefaholic

    Best 10 gallon lighting

    I had a AI Prime over a 5 gal and it worked very well. I just had to run it at a lower setting.
  2. Reefaholic

    I'm in the giving mood :-)

  3. Reefaholic

    Best place to Buy T5 bulbs

    I’m looking to buy 4, T5 bulbs. I’m new to the T5s I have always used LEDs, Where do you guys usually get them for your set ups? I was thinking of getting them online but feel uneasy about the delivery process. Let me know where you get yours from. These bulbs will be for a 40 gallon Frag tank...
  4. Reefaholic

    Odd question
  5. Reefaholic

    Where are you guys,are we ok?

    I heard that a lot of people moved on to the Facebook groups.
  6. Reefaholic

    Help me ID this coral.

    Looks like a John Deere Leptastrea.
  7. Reefaholic

    Local Acrylic/PVC Manufacturer?

    Petersen Brothers Plastics Inc I used them a couple times to build custom pieces for aquariums. Solid Work.
  8. Reefaholic


    You should start a Build Thread to document your progress. It’s always interesting to see how things are coming along.
  9. Reefaholic


    Hi, Welcome to the forum !! 440g + !! That’s awesome, good luck with the build.