Recent content by Sawdonkey

  1. Sawdonkey

    UNS 10g 45A tank build

    Looking good. I know you’ll move these corals to the new tank, but pay very close attention to the placement. I looks like you have some of the same corals, because I gave you multiple chunks of some, in different locations. You’re going to ant to put those together. Basically glue them up...
  2. Sawdonkey

    IM 25G Lagoon tank

    I’m happy to help where I can. Feel free to text me. First, great looking tank and you’ve got way more than enough light! Regarding rockwork, I’d redo it so it slopes up from front to back. Otherwise you just have a plateau with coal all at the same level and no layering effect. Plus...
  3. Sawdonkey

    240 Gallon Build

    I use a Panasonic GX85 with either a macro lense, a wide angle lense, or a telephoto lense with extension tubes…depending on the level of zoom I want. I use a portal cylinder or just a top down viewer. I don’t know much about photography other than what I’ve learned through trial and error...
  4. Sawdonkey

    240 Gallon Build

    I just dose with my topoff. It’s not perfect, but I’ve been doing it for over ten years with success. I don’t get too concerned with alk…as I mentioned, I haven’t tested for about 45 days. I should do that tonight….
  5. Sawdonkey


    Welcome. Show us your tank!
  6. Sawdonkey

    240 Gallon Build

    H Yes, kalk is all I use. I don’t test alkalinity nearly as often as I should. I’ve been dumping a bunch of vinegar in my kalk slurry to supersaturate. I may need to put the calcium reactor online soon, but I’d rather not if I don’t have to. Just more crap to maintain and more potential fail...
  7. Sawdonkey

    240 Gallon Build

    Thanks. I’m so busy with kids these days that I rarely have the tank clean. Plus the fact that it’s hidden away in a utility room means that I don’t have to look at it and keep it clean. I don’t think I’ve checked alk for over a month….just looked at my log….in last checked alk on 12/14/24...
  8. Sawdonkey

    240 Gallon Build

    Here’s some coral:
  9. Sawdonkey

    240 Gallon Build

    Dinos have been gone for months now and things are running smoothly. Here are some macro shots.
  10. Sawdonkey

    My blue tang sure knows how to cause heart attacks......

    No, they were big blotches, like the size of dimes. Definitely his flesh changing colors. Probably some kind of defense mechanism while sleeping.
  11. Sawdonkey

    Anyone interested in starting a local club/monthly get together?

    I would be interested. Also north side (Ravenswood).
  12. Sawdonkey

    My blue tang sure knows how to cause heart attacks......

    This is pretty typical tang behavior. My current tangs hide while sleeping. I used to have a naso tang that would be covered in white blotches for 5-10 minutes after “waking up”.
  13. Sawdonkey

    UNS 10g 45A tank build

    Looks great. Are you sure your PO4 isn’t .323 rather than 3.23. That’s super high…but maybe it works for your tank. I just hit .4 and I’m using GFO to bring it down a tad. My nitrates are in the 40s too…and I need to get those down a bit as well. My coral all looks happy, but my rocks and...
  14. Sawdonkey

    New Jebao wavemaker

    I’ve had the 40 for a month or so. Works as expected. Dead silent. I don’t think it would be too much for a 75 depending on how much flow you want.
  15. Sawdonkey

    240 Gallon Build

    I took a few low-quality full tank shots: