Recent content by xmoji

  1. xmoji

    New here !!!!

    Hi 👋
  2. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    Hey all sorry I’ve been M.I.A. Congrats to everyone and thanks to those who participated. @((FORDTECH)) I sent you a message.
  3. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    There are only four of us??
  4. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    1 3/8” 14 eyes
  5. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    Oh no! What happened
  6. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    Ruler makes the most sense to me
  7. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    Yeah that will make a big difference
  8. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    I have an Acan that looks similar to it but not sure if it’s the same. I’ll dm you some pics
  9. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    Running xr15 blue so yes. Try to make sure that you phone is parallel tot he glass.
  10. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    Remind me were you the guy we picked up the chalice from? If so how’s the bsa killshot doing??
  11. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    It’s just the Orphek orange filter iPhone 11 Pro 2x zoom. It’s in a position where I can get a decent pic thru the front glass
  12. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    Thanks, you’re too! how’s everyone else’s looking?
  13. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    Hey everyone here’s mine
  14. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out

    My chalices decided to remove itself from its plug and fell between a rock and my tiger torch. Luckily it was unharmed.
  15. xmoji

    2023 Chalice grow out
