Search results

  1. G

    Clownfish Pairs for Sale

    Davinci Ocellaris Pair $100 1.5"-2" Orange Fiji Pink Skunk Pair 1.5" $40 Snowflake Ocellaris Pair $80 1.5" Pearl Eye Spotintis Pair $80 1 to 1.5" Pickup in the Dekalb or St Charles areas No Trades
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    Macna meetup

    If anyone wants to meet up for dinner or drinks while they are out here post here and we can arrange something.
  3. G

    Do you think this is Reef Safe?

    I just turned on the lights and found this guy. It has to be 3 to 4 feet long if I did not break up when I pulled it out. I have not added live rock in over 8 years so I'm guessing it has been in my tank that long. I never thought I would see one in person. It's pretty cool and creepy at the...
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    Metal Halide Bulb

    Do you have any 250 watt SE Reeflux 12k bulbs in stock?
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    Transitioning from Vodka Dosing to Bio pellets

    I have been dosing Vodka in my system for a few months. I finally decided instead of doing the daily dosing to change over to a bio pellet reactor. My question is can I just stop dosing the vodka and next day start the bio pellet reactor or should I wean the system down off the vodka then...
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    Goat's cmas swap preview

    I plan to bring the following items to the swap this Saturday Onyx clown fish pairs Ocellaris Clown fish pairs Gold Strip maroon clown fish Goocher palys Purple death palys Devils Armor Palys Ked red zoos Green Palys light purple candy cane frags Teal green candy can frags Forest Fire Digi...
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    I would like to get some acrylic lids made for my new grow out system. Does anyone know a good source for acrylic?
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    My New Fish Growout System

    My main interest in the hobby right now has been salwater fish fish breeding. I have been working with many different species of clownfish, royal grammas, pajama and bangaii cardinal fish. My old system is not not big enough so I am working on a new system. I just finished the stand and...
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    Found another one

    I found this guy in the bottom of my quarantine tank. I think this guy does not look as friendly as the last one I found. Can you please help ID it? Thanks
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    Crab ID

    Can someone ID this crab for me? It is really cool. It has little arms that have filter feeding fans on them. Anyone know if it is a pest or reef safe? Thanks
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    240 Cube

    I have been meaning to share my reef system on this forum for a little while and finally got around to it. The main reef is 240 gallons 4x4x2'. It is tied to a 120 gallon custom built sump. There are also 4 other tanks connected to the sump, 2-30 breeders, 1 25 breeder and a 75 gallon tank...
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    Blue Jaw Trigger Issue

    I just purchased this male and female blue jaw trigger fish about a week ago. I added them to my quarantine tank. They seemed to be eating and acting normal until I noticed the male this morning. His eyes are cloudy, had white specs on him, fins seem to be rotting and is not eating. Hie is...
  13. G

    PH Swings

    I have recently put a new probe on my apex and this is the first time I have actually been monitoring the PH in my aquarium. It slowly fluctuates from 7.8 to 8.1 back and forth daily. Pretty much the same cycle every day. I have over 400 gallons of water in my system. I used an air intake to...
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    New Fish Store in St Charles

    On my way home from work I found a new aquarium store called Out of the Blue Aquatics. It is located at route 64 and Dunham road in St Charles. They are not open yet but a sign on the door says opening in July. Looks like they are doing the final plumbing work on their systems. It looks like...
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    1/4" clear plastic mesh for tank covers

    I have a ton of extra clear plastic mesh available. $.75 a square foot Pickup in St Charles or Dekalb or I can ship anywhere local for around $3. The roll is 10 feet wide so I can cut large pieces. If you want to see how to make them you can checkout my homepage and I have set by step...
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    Interesting Phosphate Issue

    I have a reef system that has 5 tanks connected to a common 120 gallon sump. The tanks are my 240 display, three 30 gallon clown fish tanks and a 30 gallon refugium. In two of the 30 gallon clownfish tanks I am having tons of algae issues and have no algae issues in the main display or the...
  17. G

    Entertainment Unit for Sale

    All wood entertainment center that holds most 32" televisions and some older non wide screen 36" televisions. It is 60" wide 72" tall and 17" deep. It has two built in lights. Pick up in Cortland,IL near Dekalb. Must bring your own vehicle to pick up. $100 or Best Reasonable offer accepted...
  18. G

    Frogspawn and Hammer Coral Issue

    Recently I have been having some issues with some hammer and frogspawn heads melting slowly or just falling off. It takes a few days for it to happen. I checked the water parameters and they are looking good. PH 8.2 ALK 10 Calcium 380 Amonium, Nitrite, Nitrate all 0 Phosphate-tested with...