Search results

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    Welcome Illinois Valley Reef Club

    Chicago Reefs would like to welcome the Illinois Valley Reef Club to our site. This forum will be for the club to promote events, giveaways and for members to buy and sell items. They are also welcome to use our marketplace forums as well. Let's welcome IVC to Chicago Reefs.
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    Previous Photo Of the Month Winners

    PAST POTM WINNERS (click the images for full sized pictures) (click the descriptions to go to the forum thread for each period Jan 2017-Anything WET– beetlenut33 Nov 2016-Anything Reef Related– DJE AUG 2016-Nuisance, Trouble or General pain in the a$$– mmreef June 2016-Oldest...
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    Fragstock Fredonia, Wisconsin September 14th 2019

    Fragstock Wisconsin Aquarium · Fredonia, Wisconsin Located in Fredonia, Wisconsin Fragstock Wisconsin is southeastern Wisconsin's premier coral frag swap. Please visit our website at
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    New Events Calendar

    We have a new events calendar with the new forum software. It has been updated with upcoming events. If I am missing one please let me know. You can also see the events on the homepage.
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    Downriver Coral Show & Swap Michigan August 24th 2019

    The DOWNRIVER Coral Show & Frag Swap (Brownstown, Michigan) is just under 5 Weeks Away !!!!!!!! Click on the Picture Below for More Info. This Show Only Happens Once a Year !!!! You Definitely Do Not Want to Miss It :) Saturday, August 24 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM Brownstown Community Center 21311...
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    June Premium Membership Giveaway!

    And the winner is @Coral Man Sorry for the delay everyone. I forgot to pull this with the upgrades going with the site. Please pm your full name and address so I can mail this out to you. thanks
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    Reef-A-Palooza Chicago Oct 19-20th Schaumburg,IL

    Reef-A-Palooza Chicago DATE: October 19-20, 2019 VENUE: Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel 1551 Thoreau Dr N, Schaumburg, IL 60173 Come and celebrate with us the inaugural year of Reef-A-Palooza Chicago. Reef-A-Palooza Chicago will be in the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention...
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    CMAS Store Meetup At Tank It Easy Aug 17th 2019

    CMAS will be having a store event at Tank It Easy on Saturday August 17th, 2019. The event will go from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Come check out and support a local store and catch up with your fellow saltwater fish friends. There will be a raffle at 1:30 pm. Items to be announced soon! See you there!
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    Volcano1 Featured Reef

    Volcano1 [Todd] 420 g Mixed Beauty. Introduction:I am honored to be asked by ChicagoReefs to share my tank with you. I'm stuck out in the boonies, but have had the luck to be close enough to the Chicago area, in order to have a great resource for my hobby. I think the Chicago based Reefers are a...
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    I updated the ad placements to make it look better. Sorry we are still playing with layout and trying to figure out what works well. Thanks for the feedback
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    Interesting in Writing Articles?

    We are looking for some people to help write up some product reviews, featured tank articles and other reef related items. Articles can be as simple as a paragraph or two on a new fish or coral you bought and your experiences with it. The articles don't need to be very long but we are just...
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    JRPARK Featured Reef

    JRPARK22000 [Josh] 110 g Mixed Beauty. Introduction and Background: I was quite surprised and honored to be nominated for Tank of the Quarter. I’m always amazed at the beauty of the tanks selected. My tank is still quite young at 2 years but EyeReef swayed me. Given a few more years, the...
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    Logan Featured Reef

    Logan Kreitzer [Logan 12] 55 g Mixed Reef (Click on Image for larger Image) I was introduced to the world of reef aquariums at the age of 15 and have been active in the hobby for 9 years now. I began with a 29 gallon reef tank, which housed many soft corals. The hobby has had its challenges...
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    mmreefcrazy Featured Reef

    Mark Mikina [mmreefcrazy] 120 g Oceanic Tech (Click on Image for larger Image) Thank you Chicago Reefs for being chosen this month as a featured tank.It is a great honor as there are a lot of beautiful tanks in Chicago area.Since joining this forum I made few friends and got some great...
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    Clowns laying eggs - Question

    In order to do this you will need rotifers. if you do not have a rotifer culture going your chances of success are next to nothing. You would pull the eggs on the night of hatch put them in the tank. The only thing in the tank is a heater and air stone. Use the air stone so that it bubbles...
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    Website Upgrades!

    I will have to look at the home page it should be showing new posts. Let me check those settings to see what is going on. Thanks for the input
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    Website Upgrades!

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    Website Upgrades!

    Tapatalk plug in was just fixed overnight and working for me now. I had to unfollow Chicago Reefs then follow it again. Log in and its been fine for me all morning.
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    Update on the Site Upgrades

    Go head and start a new for sale thread. I have a bunch of permissions I need to adjust. Where did you lose some pictures at?