Search results

  1. GugsJr

    GugsJr 120 pen tank switch to triton

    So I decided to switch my 120 dos dominant tank to triton method. I have my 2nd DOS pump on its way as well as the core7 and 3 tests to send. They should be here on 10-17-17. Just completed my triton method sump. Refugium first ( 16.5 × 17.375 x 10) skimmer section ( 10 x 17.375 x 8 ) return (...
  2. GugsJr

    Lost customer

    Just wanted to let you know that you lost a good customer. I ordered the Max Spec Grye pump and Ice cap module to realize after I installed it into my aquarium that there was no power supply. When I called your customer service and spoke to Omar he said well you ordered the wrong item to get...
  3. GugsJr

    Coral dip vs Bayer?

    I've had a few sps I've fragged die after I've dipped in Coral dip. I'm following the directions 4 caps per gallon and then I have an air lone running in my coral dipping bowl. I'm thinking about switching Bayer. Anyone have issues with coral dip or Bayer?
  4. GugsJr

    New Lens and new coral

    I finally took the plunge and purchased a 100mm macro lens then figured what better way to use it but to post some new SPS that arrived today. Photos taken about 5 minutes after coralrx dip. These had no adjustments on them, just did a white balance to my tank. Walt Disney PC Rainbow ORA...
  5. GugsJr

    DC pump on skimmer?

    So my psk 1000 skimmer is on its way out i think, won't start up all the time after a feed/ water change mode without a little assistance. I'm thinking about the Varios 4 since out will hook up with my reef octopus db-xs200 and apex. Anyone have any experience with them?
  6. GugsJr

    Where locally to buy baffles

    As the title says, I'm looking for baffles for a 40 gallon breeder, I contacted a few online places but no response.
  7. GugsJr

    Need help with birdsnest

    It's at the lowest part of my tank and it started losing flesh, only piece like that. What should I check? My frag tank is almost done so I'm going to frag off a piece to try and save some. Should I dip it?
  8. GugsJr

    What do you treat during quarantine?

    Curious what everyone treats during QT. I'm going fallow for 90 days in my display tank and curious what people treat? I'm treating prazipro during TTM. Debating on treating copper.
  9. GugsJr

    Refugium light change.

    So I changed my diy rapid led refugium lights from 6 whites to 4 reds, 2 photo reds, 1 blue to see if it would help my cheato grow. It took over a month to get a noticeable growth. Here's the new look
  10. GugsJr

    Assistance needed for QT.

    So about 3 weeks ago I had a controller failure and I lost all my live stock minus 2 fish. A Sailfin Tang and a Christmas Wrasse (red line). Well I'm looking to make my DT fish free for 60 days (make sure the ich is gone), I also have two 10 gallon tak setup for TTM. My question is after the...
  11. GugsJr

    Algae reactor or refugium?

    So I bought a 40gallon breeder to redo my 30 gallon refugium and I'm torn to a build it with a traditional refugium or with the idea of going with a algae reactor. Anyone with an algae reactor that can comment?
  12. GugsJr

    $1 per gallon sale.

    Pet supplies plus is having a $1 per gallon sale until 9-26-17. If anyone wants to build a sump. Largest tank I saw was a 55 gallon. I just picked up a 40 breeder to upgrade my sump size
  13. GugsJr

    GugsJr AWC experiment

    So I picked up a DOS unit about a week ago and I finally got it set up to do Automatic water changes. I have the DOS setup to add 3028.3 ml from a 23 gallon brute container and and remove 3028.3 ml from my sump into a drain in the laundry room between Midnight and 8am. This should be 24...
  14. GugsJr

    Help me stock my 120

    So I had a the following fish in my 120 SPS dominated peninsula: The fish need to be ok with good flow as I have 2 MP40s 1 sync, 1 anitsync (peak of 50% power)on one side of the tank, with a 5000+ compact for a return pump. 2 Leopard Wrasses 1 Sailfin Tang 1 Powder Blue Tang 1 Yellow Eye Kole...
  15. GugsJr

    GugsJr 120 Peninsula Tank

  16. GugsJr

    GugsJr Turtle Tank

    Here are pictures of my 80 Gallon deep blue sea reef ready turtle tank.
  17. GugsJr

    New to the Chicago reefs

    Hi all, I was referred here by Tomek77pl. I've been in the hobby for a long time about 18 years with freshwater and reefing combined. I've done freshwater stingrays, bred discus, african cichlids, FOWLR, Anemone tanks, softies and now I'm diving into a SPS tank. I was on The Reef Tank and...