Search results

  1. GugsJr

    Vote for February POTM sponsored by Aquarium Overload

    Vote for the winner of February POTM. Winner will get a polyp lab aquarium clip and also be the 1st banner for our Facebook page! Will run for a week! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  2. GugsJr

    Great vendor!

    I just had my first dealing with Sonny and I must say it was a great experience. Clean frags no pests during my coral dipping, great packaging and frags are already happy with extended polyps. Don't hesitate to get frags from Raising Reefs!
  3. GugsJr

    My grafted monti.

    Last year I had a monti that grafted in my tank. To confirm I sent a friend a frag (last 2 pictures). This is the update he sent me. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  4. GugsJr


    Just a simple poll questions of how many of you would be interested in Auctions for corals and equipment from our sponosors? This poll will run for 30 days. If you'd like to post the reason you voted for what you did feel free, or any ideas. Also would be nice to hear from the sponsors as well.
  5. GugsJr

    Growout comp

    Should we take a break from this? The last competition didn't have as much involvement. The next one im thinking Blastos maybe? Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  6. GugsJr

    Hungry corals

    I was feeding my 34 gallon and saw the Acan AMD Blasto eating mysis Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  7. GugsJr

    Would you like us to bring back Tank of the Month?

    We are talking about the potential of bringing back Tank of the month. So we'd like for you all to help us brainstorm on how you'd like to see this done. Here are a few ideas we have put together let us know if there is anything you think we should add and/or remove. List of potential...
  8. GugsJr

    February 2019 POTM Contest sponsored by Aquarium Overload

    Sponsor Aquarium Overload. Prize Polyp lab lens kit Subject Anything Aquarium Related! New Rule Photo must be in landscape format since the winner will be the new banner for our Facebook page! This will rotate every month
  9. GugsJr

    Vote for January POTM sponsored by Seven Seas

    Vote for the POTM will run for 7 days. Please don't vote for your own. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  10. GugsJr

    January 2019 POTM Sponsored by Seven Seas

    This months Photo of the Month is Sponsored by 7 seas in Mount Prospect. Amazing store if you haven't been there. Winner will receive a $50 Credit towards live stock. Post your best Invert picture! Only 1 entry allowed! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  11. GugsJr

    Vote for December POTM Contest Sponsored by Wojtek's Reef

    Time to vote for December's winner for photo of the month. Will Run for 7 days.
  12. GugsJr

    GugsJr 240 Cube

    Well I'm upgrading again. Will be going from a 210 72x24x30 to a 240 48x48x24 cube Don't have the tank yet need to find out when I can pick up. Equipment 2 Orphek Atlantic V4s 2 Orphek OR2 Daylight Bashsea 48x18 Smart Series Sump Diablo XS200 skimmer with varios pump COR20 for return with 2...
  13. GugsJr

    GugsJr Redsea 130D build

    Decided to pick up a " nano" for a nem/storm build. Picked up a Red Sea 130D setup just had to trade some frags to start a new build apart from my 210. Plan is to have bubble tips and a pair of Storm clowns. Debating pistol shrimp and goby combo and cleaner shrimp since I can't have them in...
  14. GugsJr

    December POTM Contest Sponsored by Wojtek's Reef

    For December's POTM we are going to shake it up a bit. Take a photo of a non fish/reef related pet and make it a holiday theme. The winner of this will get to pick out any frag from Wojtek's Reef $25 frag tank! Frag must be picked up in Chicago. For those that haven't been there you will...
  15. GugsJr

    Vote for November 2018 Photo Of The Month!

    We have 15 Pictures for this Photo Of The Month! Please Vote for your Favorite. Remember winner gets a frag from Sonny @ Raising Reefs!
  16. GugsJr

    Final Growout Competition 2018 Progress Post

    Current Participants BradB - 12 conchman - 5 chitown tom - 11 GugsJr - 6 icedearth15324 - 7 Coral Man - 8 TankItEasy - 10 babybluewolf - 4 Cubano32 - 2 RyanZ - 1 The Growout Competition has finally begun. Contact Matt or Dan Blue Line Corals to...
  17. GugsJr

    November POTM Contest Sponsored By Raising Reefs

    November's Photo of the month theme is coral! Post your best pic of any coral! Post your best coral photo here. Only 1 entry per person. This will run until the end of the month. Winner will be drawn 1st week of December. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  18. GugsJr

    Vote for the POTM for October!

    Most votes by 9-9-2018 will be October POTM Please do not vote for your own photo.
  19. GugsJr

    Few cell phone shroom shots of Orphek/T5

    Few of my shrooms loving my Orphek V4 Compact(Channel 1&4 80%, Channel 2&3 100%) and T5 Combo(2 B+, 1 C+, 1 Atinic). No filter, just TruVu macro clip on lens with my Note 8. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  20. GugsJr

    Lights out trial

    Trying something new. Capturing corals feeding during lights out. Here are some test runs with my phone before I use my fslr this weekend. The last pic a snail decided to close up the acan while I was setting up the configuration. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk