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  1. GugsJr

    My Fluconazole treatment.

    So I had a Bryopsis out break and tried everything from manual removal (don't do this), h202 dip and dosing, lights out and nothing worked. So I read about Fluconazoleand decided to try it. I ordered it from Bulk Reef Supply and decided to dose 300 gallons worth on my 220 with about 50gallons...
  2. GugsJr

    Few Macro shots

    Couldn't get a shot of the fish I wanted for the POTM contest so I decided to take photos of a few of my corals. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  3. GugsJr

    Final Grow out Competition 2018 sign up!

    The time has come for the final growout competition of 2018! This will be the sign up page and we will have set up another page to track the progress of the competitors. Once we fill up I will post the competitors names in the progress post and delete this post to keep it a bit cleaner...
  4. GugsJr

    October 2018 Photo of the Month Contest

    This months photo of the months theme is Fish Post your best fish photo here. Only 1 entry per person. This will run until the end of the month. Winner will be drawn 1st week of November.
  5. GugsJr

    Photo of the Month and Photo of the year!

    Hello Chicago Reef Photogs! As was mentioned I'm going to be the new member in charge of Photo of the month and the new Photo of the year contest. We have some new ideas coming to this and added a Photo of the year! Every photo of the month starting next year will have a prize attach as well...
  6. GugsJr

    DIY Frag rack shroom box.

    So some of my baby shrooms would fit through my aquarium overload boxes. So I came up with a way to get them on my frag rack. Took a bead holder from Michael's and came up with this. Also hopefully it will attack to a plug. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  7. GugsJr

    Living Reef Orlando

    Probably one the best layout of any store I've been in. This and WWC were the Stores to see in the Orlando Area. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  8. GugsJr

    Few pics from WWC in Orlando

    So I was sent to Orlando for work and decided to stop at WWC. Jere are a few pics I took video but not sure if they can be uploaded. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  9. GugsJr

    GugsJr 210 Build.

    Thanks to Sawdonkey looks like I'm starting a new build. I'm paying it forward and giving Cubano the same deal Sawdonkey gave me. So he should be starting a 120 build post soon. I picked up some rock from Ihavecrabs and am starting my rock work layout. Just need to find some shelf rock now...
  10. GugsJr

    Acclimation boxes

    Thank you Tom for the animation box. I'm glad i went with the larger one. It went from my mushroom box to now helping me with my new addition. Picked up a Golden Dwarf Moray Eel and now I can make sure he eats beforw going i to the 120. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  11. GugsJr

    Official May 2018 Zoa Grow out thread

    Hi All Cubano wanted me to be in charge of the grow out competition. Rules We will have 8 Competitors and all start of with 1 polyp of Blue Hornet. The person with the most polyps at the end of the competition will win. There will be 3 winners. 1st place winner will have first choice to pick...
  12. GugsJr

    Post your light setup.

    So I'm part of an SPS collector group on Facebook as well as a few members I know of and someone started an interesting post about lighting and what people use. The example people were using was the infamous Walt Disney and all type of lightning were producing soone great results all a little...
  13. GugsJr

    Free Cichlid

    Free Cichlid, pick up in Carol Stream or Streamwood depending on when Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  14. GugsJr

    Mile High Corals order

    Hi all. I placed another order with Mile High Corals. I will be receiving it in about 2 weeks. If any one wants to add on to the order feel free to contact Nick and let him know you are from Chicago Reefs he will add it to my order so you get free shipping. The first order went well and...
  15. GugsJr

    tubbs montipora stellata feeler

    I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place or not. If it's not please move. If it's not allowed please let me know and delete. So the vendor (Mile High Corals out of Colorado) I ordered my JF homewrecker,pinky the bear and RMF candyland. Plus some of his signature pices is trying to...
  16. GugsJr

    T5 supplement with XR30W Gen 4 pro?

    I have 2 radions xr30w gen 4 pros over a 120. Should I bother supplementing with t5s? If so what would you recommend.
  17. GugsJr

    Looking for advice on homewrecker

    So I ordered a homewrecker that should be coming in after the new year. 1/2" frag Just wanted to know of those that have it here. Where did you place it and how much flow? My tanks par range is from 400s at the highest rock point-150s on the sandbed Thank you for any tips.
  18. GugsJr

    Triton Method Discussion Thread

    Thought I'd start a thread for those of us who are using Triton Method where we can share tips and tricks we found along the way. I know Matt is another member using this method wasn't sure if there were others.
  19. GugsJr

    Par meter for rent?

    Anyone have a reliable par meter for rent so I can dial in my Radions? I redid my canopy to give me about just over 8" of height from the surface of the water.
  20. GugsJr

    Sps ID please.

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