Search results

  1. Spartanman22

    Finicky eaters

    Hey everyone, I recently picked up a small centropyge multifasciata (multibarred angel). I've had him for 3 days now and he has yet to eat any prepared food. I have attempted mysis, Spirulina enriched brine, and my homemade blend that contains a myriad of different food types. He hasn't shown...
  2. Spartanman22

    Bite marks on acro

    I noticed my purple nana had some strange looking marks on it. I'm still unsure if it's polyps are bite marks. They are small and kinda look like polyps are coming out but are different than the normal sized polyps. I picked up the piece to get a closer look and when inspecting noticed bite...
  3. Spartanman22

    Skimz Monzter Mini 123 and 143

    Has anyone seen these or used them. They both seem like great options for smaller systems. I've been considering a skimmer upgrade (currently run SCA 302) and was looking at the Vertex omega, but these are quite intriguing. Only $160 for the 143 model and DC. For this of you who have or have...
  4. Spartanman22

    Can't download Myreef 2.0

    I've been trying to download Myreef 2.0 but can't find a functioning download. Everytime I click on the link in the DA forum it says the link can't be found. I can't get any link to work. Does myreef even exist anymore?!
  5. Spartanman22

    Shelf rock

    Hey guys how much is your dry shelf rock?
  6. Spartanman22

    Fuge or no fuge

    I have a 25 cube heavily stocked SPS system with an in line 15 gallon frag tank. I'm considering switching out my current sump (20L) for a 40 breeder. I have always run a fuge but I just installed an ATS recently. do you think a fuge is necessary if you have an ATS. Now this is strictly for...
  7. Spartanman22

    Rotten Buggers

    I have so many damn asterinas! I think they are beginning to bother some acros. I have a purple stag that's got some tissue receding from the base a bit and there are always half a dozen or so on the frag tile. Who's for getting a community harlequin?!?
  8. Spartanman22

    Small tank skimmers

    Hey everyone, I have some credit at marinedepot and am considering upgrading my skimmer. My top three choices were the Aquamaxx CO-1, vertex omega 130, or a skimz. Unfortunately marinedepot only carries aquamaxx. Anyone have experience with this skimmer? I've read great reviews. I'm leaning...
  9. Spartanman22

    RKE Problems

    I've had a NET module for about 2 years now and just finally got around to installing it. I have my rke setup in the following format: Head unit-pc4-pc4-pc4-sl1-net-wireless gaming adapter. I have yet to get the net connected to the Internet. I'm still trying to figure out how to connect the...
  10. Spartanman22

    DIY LED Question

    I am considering replacing the T5's with LEDs in my halide T5 combo fixture. I was going to go solderless and try to run 1 dimmable ballast. It'd be 12 Cree XT-E Royal Blues using a meanwell ELN 60-48D connect to a ReefKeeper via an ALC. My concern is that on rapudleds site it states that all...
  11. Spartanman22

    Calling All SPS Experts

    Alright I'm at my wits end with this one. I have some SPS that have been STNing lately, and others that are showing good growth. I have been testing almost daily to determine if my parameters were shifting and the most recent results were as follows: Ca: 440 (salifert) Mg: 1300 Alk: 7.9...
  12. Spartanman22

    Coraline algae growth

    I see so many tanks with rocks covered in rich purple coraline algae and for some reason I've never been able to accomplish that in 8+ years of reefing. I've had pretty successful SPS reefs with great growth but the coraline never seemed to take off. On my previous tank the glass would get...
  13. Spartanman22

    Halide Issue

    I'm having an issue with my combo halide/T5 fixture. I recently installed a frag tank next to my DT. I switched my kessil A350 over to the frag tank and put my old halide/T5 fixture over the DT. All electrical is run through my RKE which is all plugged into a American DJ power strip which is...
  14. Spartanman22

    Spartanman's cube

    Hey all the tank is finally starting to look good again after its move into the new place so I started snapping some pictures. Enjoy!
  15. Spartanman22

    Electrical question

    I just ordered 3 12V 120mm pc fans to keep the humidity down in my stand. I do not want to have three separate cords for all three fans however. Can these all be run together on one plug? The fans are .36 A. So do I need a 12V plug that's rated for more than 0.36A×3 (> 1.08)?
  16. Spartanman22

    Frag tank lighting

    Hey everyone hoping I can get some input. I'm in the planning stages of setting up an 18×18×8 frag tank tied into my main system. I currently have a MH/T5 fixture and a par38 20K. I kinda want to stay away from the MH/T5 bc of heat and electricity costs but also want the best growth possible...
  17. Spartanman22

    Installing fans in stand

    I have a deep blue 48x24 stand and was wanting to install some exhaust and intake fans to keep humidity down inside the cabinet. I have 4 120mm pc fans and was intending on using all four. Will I be compromising the integrity of stand by drilling large holes like that in the stand? I've never...
  18. Spartanman22

    ATO Problems on RKE

    Hey everyone, I'm having some issues with my ATO program on my RKE. I just moved my tank and when I got it to the new place I plugged everything in and didn't change any of the programming, but now once the ATO is triggered by the float switch and the pump turns on it won't turn off. Whether...
  19. Spartanman22


    I picked up a small 1.5-2" black anglerfish and was wondering if there any special steps I should take while quarantining?
  20. Spartanman22

    Goldnugget Clownfish

    Anyone seen these new clowns? I wasn't even aware these were in the works. DD has a pair right now for $600