Search results

  1. Spartanman22

    Halide bulb

    Does anyone near or in Naperville have an old 250w DE bulb that I could borrow for a couple days? I have a spare light fixture I want to test and see if it still works but don't have any halide bulbs left. Adam
  2. Spartanman22

    My tank has ich. What now?

    Hey everyone, I just unfortunately noticed some spots on my clowns and scarlet wrasse. I have a four fish all less than two inches: potters angel, scarlet wrasse, and ocellaris clownfish pair. I understand QTing would have prevented this but I didn't have the room at the time for a dedicated...
  3. Spartanman22

    Opinions on Onyx

    My halide/T5 fixture is having issues and I'm considering this a good opportunity to finally upgrade to LED's. I was looking at the dim able onyx fixture. Does anyone have any opinions on it? I have a 18"x18x20 cube that is a mixed reef. Ideally I'd go with the Radion pro but that's a little out...
  4. Spartanman22

    Doser setup

    Hey guys just want to make sure I have this right. I currently have my dosers set to just come on for 8 minutes straight but want my levels to be more consistent throughout the day and have it come on for 8 one minute time intervals throughout the day. On my RKE I have it set as follows: DOW...
  5. Spartanman22

    Chalk bass

    Anybody have any experience with these? I've seen them locally and have found myself growing increasingly fond of them. I was thinking of doing two in my 30 cube. I have read that they are some of the more timing basslets but don't know if they do well together or not.
  6. Spartanman22

    Problem with halides on PC4

    Recently my RKE has been struggling to keep my halide on. There will be like a random day or couple days where it will fire up then shut off and not turn back on. The program is setup as follows Lighting: -halide -SMTWTFS -1:00 PM ON -8:00 PM OFF The program is set to auto. It is plugged into...
  7. Spartanman22

    My 30 gallon Cube

    Well I just found this place today. So for my first post I figured I'd share some pictures of my tank since I know everyone loves pictures! The tanks still pretty empty at the moment. It was upgraded from a 5 gallon nano that house several collector Z's and P's but a mishap on vacation whipped...